07-20-2017 (Thursday) Chad?

Andre tells Thomas that he believes his grandfather has risen from the ashes again; sometimes he feels like he is there watching them.  Other times he wonders if he’ll ever see his father again; Kate listens to him talking.  He apologizes; he tells her he is troubled because he can’t believe someone could break into DeMira accounts and they didn’t even see it coming.  She tells him Chad knows who did it; he demands to know.  She plays coy.  Thomas starts to cry; she offers to feed him.  Andre tells her to “spit it out,” referring to her as “woman.”  She flings a spoonful of applesauce at him; it lands on his glasses.  He laughs about how good it tastes; homemade by cook, he says.  He takes the bowl back from Kate and demands she taste it; he flings some at her and it lands on her shirt.  She tells him he is going to regret that.  He laughs.

Myron compliments the quality of their most recent work; he says they could pass those bills anywhere and no one would know the difference.  Dario gets a call; he says “you can’t keep calling me” reminding the person they are a silent partner.  Gabi comes in and he tells the person he has to go; Gabi asks what’s going on.  He says he’s just fighting with a vender who is trying to rip him off on prices; she talks about her concern for Sonny, saying Ari can’t grow up with a father in prison.  She says, if he killed Deimos, he doesn’t remember doing it; Dario says that’s because he didn’t do it.  Gabi asks how he knows that.  He says JJ could have done it; Gabi snaps at him.  Dario asks if she still has a thing for JJ; she looks down.  JJ tells Lani it’s sexy to watch her getting dressed too.  She can’t believe she lost track of time and says Eli is going to be mad at her.

Rafe finds Hope looking through Steffano’s case file; she says Deimos’ murder has brought up a lot of memories.  She thought she had lost everything; Rafe reminds her she didn’t.  She asks him what he thinks about taking a little trip to Greece; he says Raines would never approve of that.  She says even if she has to work it alone, she is not giving up.  Rafe tells her he is going to meet Dario and Gabi for a late family breakfast.  Eli tells Hope that Lani is finally on her way; he also tells her they have found out the hacker was a Myron Raddick(?).  Hope says she knows Myron.  Eli chews Lani out when she gets there, asking how he can count on her to have his back if she can’t even be on time.  Hope comes out and says it looks like everything is tracing back to Rafe’s brother; she can’t believe it’s Dario.

Chad knocks on Abby’s door; he asks if she’s avoiding him, ignoring his calls and his texts.  He asks if she confronted Dario or not; she says she did, but tells him it is going to take a little while – she asks him to give Dario a little more time.  Chad asks why she is keeping his secret; she tells him he can’t do that.  He asks why; she asks if he really wants to do that to the woman he loves, because everyone knows how much Gabi means to him.  He looks confused.  He recalls them exchanging the renewal of their vows that night; seems like Abigail is remembering it too.  They stand in silence.  Chad says it’s strange how the memories from that night just come and go; he says when they come, he always feels like something is missing and he just can’t grab on.  He tells her he doesn’t have much time; he says, eventually he is going to have to make that call to Rafe, so he hopes whomever she is protecting is worth it.  He leaves.

Chad sees JJ in the restaurant; JJ tells him to sit down and tell him what’s going on between he and his sister.  He says he has to go.  Chad can’t get the images, and words out of his mind, asking Abigail if she wants to be his wife again; Gabi approaches him, asking where he was.  He tells her he had to meet with Abby; she asks why.  He says he had to talk to her about Dario; she asks if they came to some kind of agreement.  He says they are still working on it.  Rafe talks to his brother; he asks how things are with him and Abigail.  He says good; Rafe throws out, except you love her and she doesn’t love you… not yet, Dario says.  Rafe asks if he really thinks he can make Abby love him; Dario laughs at the use of the word “make.”  He says he just believes she will love him after she sees what a good husband he can be.  Myron comes in and tells Dario that he was at the police station; he says they were on a fishing expedition.  They were talking to a bunch of IT guys about the hacks; he says they don’t have a clue about them.  Dario says good and tells him to get cracking on those counterfeit bills; in a couple of days, he says, they will both be very rich men.  When Rafe comes back to the station, Hope says there is something she has to tell him.  Abigail tells Andre that Chad killed Deimos and Dario has proof; she says the proof is enough to send Chad to prison for the rest of his life.  Kate walks into the room and yells, “no.”

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