12-23-2016 (Friday) CHRISTMAS EVE IN SALEM

It’s Christmas Eve in Salem; Kayla, Steve and Roman, sit with Joey at a table at the diner; it’s tradition for them to open one present there before going to the kid’s party at the hospital.   Jade walks in and asks if she’s intruding; Joey said he invited her.  Steve steps forward and tells her she is part of the family now, lucky her, he says.  Joey gives Jade a gift; a pair of crystal earrings he didn’t steal.  They agree they both need to change, for the baby.  Hope’s appeal has been denied; Justin makes a phone call, vowing to go as high as the Supreme Court if necessary.  Adrian sits down on the couch with him - Sonny is off to meet Gabi and Ari at the hospital Christmas party; he says goodbye.  Adrian asks if she looks alright; thinks she might have overdone the blush… she’s just so “washed out” from the chemo, she says.  She starts to talk, then gets nauseous and runs to the bathroom.  She tries to excuse herself to go home afterward, but Justin asks her to stay there and let him take care of her tonight.  She says okay.  He makes her some warm cider and she sips it, as they laugh about how much trouble he used to have putting together toys for Santa, and the Christmas Day trips to the emergency room.  He says the thing he remembers the most how he used to sit on their couch, staring at her and watching them, thinking to himself that it “is a wonderful life.”  He grabs her hand.  She thanks him for everything.  She falls asleep with her head on his lap; a nice fire roars in the fireplace.  

At the hospital, Paul, dressed as an elf, leads a parade of the children staying in the children’s ward through the hallway and into the room where everyone is waiting.  Gabi asks her brother to be nice to Sonny and to keep their business disputes outside of this party for the children; the agree, although Dario finds it difficult, especially after Paul enters the room.  Dario gives Gabi another gift; a new purse, a real one this time, he says.  He couldn’t stand the thought of her having a knock off; although she professes she loves the first one, he insists and she switches purses.  He takes the old one into a back room and cuts out the microchip, stuffing it in his pocket; Sonny steps in the doorway and sees him (although his back is turned to the door so he couldn't have seen everything).  

Chad starts to cry when he sees Abigail; he says he doesn’t understand and asks how she is alive.  She can’t say anything; she lays Thomas down in his crib.  Chad steps closer to her, he reaches out, and touches her face – then grabs both sides of her head and pulls her closer to him and hugs her; they both start to cry.  He says he doesn’t want to let go of her because he’s afraid if he does, she might disappear… he asks if she is even real.  She shakes her head yes; he pulls away, and say, “wait a minute, you were dead; where have you been?”  She just looks at him and he asks why she isn’t saying anything.  I’m wondering that myself.  He takes her back into ‘their’ room; she is surprised to see that nothing has changed – he points out the baby monitor and the fact that they could hear Thomas if he fusses.  He asks her to please tell him where she’s been this past year; she asks if it couldn’t just be enough that she is there now.  

She is very nervous as she starts to tell him about why she escaped from the hospital and what she was thinking; she says she left the letter with Andre and tells him that he is the one who convinced her that Chad needed to think she was dead.  Chad then becomes angry, not only that his brother lied to him, but that she would let him think that she was dead and just abandon him and their son like that for a year... he asks how she could do that to them; and how she could let Andre help her – she tries to explain how she stayed with her grandma, and got her meds straightened out.  She says they just didn’t know, for so long, if she was ever going to be normal.  She admits that she didn’t even come back to see them, really; it was because JJ had been shot.  Chad yells, that was months ago and asks where she’s been staying.  She won’t tell him; she says maybe he’s still better off without her there and starts to walk past him; he grabs her arm and says she can’t leave now, tears still running down his face.  She tells him he’s better off without her, that she saw him take off his ring and she saw him with Gabi; he gets very angry and asks if she didn’t notice when he took off his ring, he was an emotional wreck, trying not to fall apart in front of their son.  He says he was moving on because she wasn’t there; he thought that’s what he was supposed to do.  

Abigail apologizes and says she sees that she has just made things worse; she sits down on the bed and says she wishes she would actually die.  He kneels down and grabs her; he tells her never to say that again… he cries; he says if she goes away now, then Ben wins.  He begs her not to let Ben win; she tells him she just doesn’t think she can be the wife he needs her to be.  He jumps up in frustration; just then, Thomas starts crying.  He asks her if she thinks she can be the mother that baby needs her to be; she looks at him…then goes to get Thomas.  Chad watches her as she carefully picks him up, and cradles him in her arms.

12-22-2016 (Thursday) INTRODUCING HOLLY

Nicole begs Chloe to open her eyes again; she says she already promised this little girl she wouldn’t let her grow up without her mommy (and even though she promised to take care of both kids if anything ever happened to Chloe, and would gladly do it, Nicole doesn’t want to lose her best friend).  Deimos gets a call through to Nicole and tells her that help is on its way; just after she hangs up, Brady bursts in the door.  She tells Brady they have to get Chloe help; Nicole says, if they don’t, she’s afraid Chloe won’t make it.  

Deimos and Brady get Chloe to a hospital; the doctor tells them that Chloe had a brain-bleed due to the change in pressure during labor.  Nicole goes to check on the baby; Deimos tells Brady maybe they should tell Nicole the truth, now.  Brady reminds they are still not certain about the ‘truth’ – Deimos says, then they need to find a way to figure it out fast.  The nurse asks Nicole what the baby’s name is; she chooses a festive name, Holly.  Cute.  She introduces herself as Auntie Nicole, and promises to take make sure she stays safe.  Abigail packs her bags and heads out, as her family hangs ornaments on the Horton family Christmas tree.  She sneaks into the DeMira mansion (to try to see Thomas again, I suppose).  They play a song as the family, one by one, hangs their ornaments and remembers those who are lost to them as they hang theirs; the scene flashes back and forth with Abigail sneaking through the mansion.  

Claire gives Theo her present; he is so excited when he sees the card… he asks how she even knew she wanted it.  She gives Ciara no credit, whatsoever; she says it must be that “psychic connection” they have between them.  Theo kisses her, pretty hard, in front of everyone.  Shaun comforts Ciara, asking if she’s okay; she says she just misses their mom and wishes she were there.  Later, while (almost) everyone else is otherwise distracted, Claire shows Theo the spyware she bought, and slips it into Valerie’s purse while Theo goes to ‘talk to his dad’ – Ciara sees Claire doing this.

Chad is getting dressed for the evening; Gabi walks in on him.  He tells her it’s fine; she has seen him without his shirt on before.  Chad tells Gabi that he is excited for the future and happy for the first time in a really, really, long time.  They start to kiss, and within less than a minute, start undressing; Abigail is about to open the door to a bedroom.  It’s the baby’s room; she leans over the crib and touches his face and talks to him.  I can’t believe Chad doesn’t hear her whispering on the baby monitor.  He and Gabi are too busy on the bed now, half-undressed, still kissing; but suddenly, Gabi stops.  She jumps up and says she has to get going; she has to get Ariana ready for the Christmas party.  Chad gets up and puts his shirt back on, and walks her out.  Abby starts to walk away from the crib, but can’t resist going back and picking Thomas up; she is hugging him tightly when Chad steps in the door of the baby’s room.  He sees her and can’t believe his eyes; Abigail stands there, as if frozen.

12-21-2016 (Wednesday) A BABY IS BORN

Chad and Sonny discuss business; Sonny gets called about a problem at the wharf.  Gabi is on the phone, asking a storeowner to open a little early for her to come by and get a present for a certain guy she’s seeing in an hour (sounds like she’s forgotten all about JJ).  Meanwhile, JJ pulls out a special Christmas ornament he’s had made for Gabi, with her name on it, for their family Christmas tree.  Andre sees Abigail in the park and asks if she has changed her mind; she says no, she just stayed the night for her mother.  He threatens to tell Chad she is alive, himself, if she leaves town without doing it.  He says it’s his responsibility to tell him after all this time; she says then she will tell everyone that he paid off everyone that lied about that plane crash, and Chad will know he’s been lying this whole time; she says then he can kiss his dreams of being a member of the DeMira family goodbye.  Andre looks surprised and says she’s not as fragile as he though; she says it’s funny how that happens.  

She goes home and tells JJ what she saw; he doesn’t believe her and goes to find Gabi… Gabi’s response is, “who told you?”  JJ starts to get pissed and she asks who he thinks he is; as she gave him another chance because she thought it was worth it, then she finds out he’s lying to her again.  She asks who this girl is that he can’t tell her about; he says he can’t tell her, and she grabs her bags (with her present for Chad in them) and tells JJ she’s done… they are done.  She storms off.  

Paul is strolling on the docks and knocks a box off the top of a stack that was just delivered; he looks and doesn’t see anyone around; Dario walks up behind him and catches him trying to cut the box open.  He slams him up against the wall and demands to know who hired him.  Sonny walks up behind him and announces that HE hired him; he says if he has a problem with it they can talk about it.  Dario storms off; he goes to see Deimos.  Sonny and Paul are right behind him.  Deimos refuses to talk in front of Paul and tells Sonny to come back after he leaves; Sonny walks Paul out.  When Sonny comes back and talks to Deimos, Deimos agrees to let Paul and Steve investigate for real.  He, himself, makes a phone call.  

Chad goes to talk to Abigail, next to her statue in the park; he tells 'her' he knows how important the holidays were to her and he wants to keep things special for Thomas.  Gabi shows up in the archway; he invites her over, admitting he’s just missing Abigail.  Gabi says she misses her too.  She tells Chad that she just broke things off with JJ and it didn’t go very well.  Chad asks what she’s doing now; she says she has to go see her dad and brother for just a little bit, then she’s taking Ariana to the party for the kids at the hospital later.  Chad asks her to stop by the house in between; she says that sounds nice.  Gabi shows up to look at the new décor her Eduardo and Dario picked out for the club; she loves it.  Dario sees the present for Chad and assumes it’s for him; he gets a little upset when she tells him she and Chad are going to be spending part of the night together.  

Deimos asks Brady if he has heard from Nicole… she hasn’t come home and isn’t answering her phone.  Brady tells him the weather system dumped about a ton of snow on Chicago last night.  Nicole found a tiny grocery store to walk to and get food; she says her car door has a mountain of snow on top of it now and the doors are frozen shut.  Deimos manages to get through to Nicole’s phone for just a minute; she was able to tell him the name of the lodge “Lakewood,” which was also the name of the Drive it sits on.  Their call gets disconnected though, as she is telling him the road runs alongside a big park.  Turns out, that’s not much help; apparently there are a lot of big parks in Chicago.  Chloe’s labor moves along quickly and the baby starts coming before Nicole even gets the water warmed up; the baby is born…and it’s a pretty little girl, fairly newborn, with not nearly the amount of blood on it that there should be right after birth.  

Nicole’s reaction is adorable; Chloe had been assuming it was another boy – Nicole calls the baby, “my little girl” as she bounces her in her arms (the baby already breathing nicely).  Nicole cleans her up, talks to her and hands her to Chloe asking if she’s ready to meet her mother; Nicole asks Chloe if she has thought of any girl names at all, and Chloe suggests Nicole name her (Nicole is clearly confused).  Chloe tells her she has good reason for letting her name her, and she hands her back to Nicole; Chloe begins crying.  Nicole tells her she’s not making any sense; she should name her, since she’s her daughter.  Chloe says, “Actually, the truth is….” -and reaches up to touch her left cheek, which immediately starts drooping (she did a really good job acting this out); her eyelids flutter, her eyes start to roll upward and her head falls backward onto the pillow as she passes out.  Nicole tries desperately to get a signal back on her phone.

12-20-2016 (Tuesday)

Jade is in the square, looking through a wallet and counting money; Joey walks up behind her and says her name.  She is startled, and claiming she is just upset that she doesn’t have enough money to buy gifts; she gets pissy and asks what he is doing there.  He says he was looking for her; he wanted to make sure she was okay.  She tells him that she knows he only cares about the baby, not her, and tells him to go away.  She sits down at a table.  Santa happens by and asks to sit down while he’s on his break; Jade says sure.  He makes fun of her for being so “in the Christmas spirit” and she apologizes; he asks what’s wrong.  She says she is pregnant, and alone; all she wants for Christmas is for the father of her baby to love her – Joey overhears.  She sees him and apologizes; she says she didn’t want him to hear that because now he’ll feel pressured.  She leaves; Joey just stands there, stunned.

Philip barges in the door of the mansion and attacks Deimos; Victor comes in the room and tells them to stop.  Philip tells Deimos to tell his brother what he did; he, himself, then tells Victor what Deimos did.  Deimos denies it; Philip tells his dad, if he believes Deimos, he is out of his damn mind.  He points out how ruthless and greedy Deimos has been, including taking them all into “his” home when the town was under siege; then asks if his dad is going to stand up for him or let Deimos get away with what he’s done.  Deimos looks at Victor.  Victor asks Philip if he is supposed to lash out at his brother with no evidence, only his word; he tells Philip he needs him to substantiate his claims.  Philip stands up and tells Deimos that he is done with him, then adds that he is done with this whole family; he says he’s leaving Salem.  Sweetly, Victor doesn’t let him leave in anger; he tells him he won’t stop him, or try to change his decision, but he doesn’t want to lose what they have gained – getting closer this year, he says, they’ve worked so hard for it and he’s not willing to give that up.  They hug; Philip says he will be in touch.  His mom is surprised when he comes to tell her goodbye, but says she understands; they hug.  Victor is angry with Deimos and tells him if he ever pulls a stunt like that with his son again, he will answer to him.  

Adrian shows up for her appointment, alone; after a few minutes, she tells the receptionist that she is actually really pressed for time and wants to reschedule.  A voice from behind says there will be no need for that; it’s Kate.  Adrian smiles; Kate says she will see to it that they get her in quickly and get her taken care of so she can get on her way.  She nods her head at the receptionist; the receptionist nods back.  They sit down and Kate tells Adrian that she is going to have to accept that she is not in this alone; it takes a village, she says, to fight cancer.  Adrian smiles again.  Lucas shows up, saying he ignored her text message telling everyone to stay away; Adrian is glad to see him there and tells him so.  Kate is ready to cancel her dinner date with Eduardo, to stay with Adrian, but Adrian tells her to go; Lucas is there for her.  He promises to get her home safely and put her to bed.  Adrian thanks him.  He sits with her, as the chemo makes her sleepy; he tells her to rest, and she closes her eyes. 

Nicole asks Chloe what she means… she knew she was coming.  Chloe says, yeah, but she thought she was coming tomorrow, not tonight; Nicole says she wanted to get there before the snowstorm hit, plus they need to talk about the baby, and them.  Chloe looks scared.  Nicole asks Chloe to come back to Salem with her tonight; she says they need to spend Christmas with family.  Chloe says she’s not family; Nicole argues that she is.  Chloe tells Nicole that Philip was there and she sent him away, hurt; Nicole says she’s sorry… Chloe asks if she really is.  Again, Nicole looks confused.  Nicole points out that they are both friends of hers and she wants them both to be happy; Chloe accepts that.  She asks what she really wants; Nicole insists she just wants to help her out, to be her friend, to help take care of the baby and Parker, back home in Salem.  

Chloe tells Nicole, no matter how good her intentions, she can’t do it; it’s never going to work, because of Deimos.  They agree to just sit and talk for a few hours, and just be together, being friends; Nicole calls Deimos to tell him that Chloe won’t come back with her so she’s going to stay just a little longer, but she’ll be home tonight.  Chloe gets a strange look on her face after Nicole hangs up the phone; she tells Nicole she is pretty sure her water just broke.  They head to the hospital; they have to pull over along the way due to roads  being closed off by snow.  They find an old motel that appears to be ‘closed – it’s locked up but the lights are still on – Nicole jimmies the lock.  She says they just need to wait for a few roads to be plowed; but there’s a problem.  Chloe is now “in labor.”

12-19-2016 (Monday)

Philip meets Chloe, who looks like she’s ready to pop, and tells her that somebody kidnapped him, then drugged him, and he doesn’t remember the rest.  He thinks it was Deimos, but he isn’t sure; but he has a feeling that Deimos knows the truth.  Chloe is more determined than ever that Nicole cannot have this baby as long as she is with Deimos.  Philip reminds her that the baby is Nicole’s; he suggests that he and Chloe and Parker take off after the baby is born (and they give it to Nicole).  He says he loves her and she says, “thank you.”  She tells him that is very sweet, but what she feels for him right now is not love; he is hurt and tells her he just needs to go – he tells her if she ever needs him, she has his number and if he sees it’s her, he will always answer… always.  He hugs her gently and walks away.  

Deimos asks Nicole if they can have a movie night; he’s never seen “It’s a Wonderful Life.”  Nicole tells him he needs to see it, but she is on her way to visit Chloe in Chicago.  Deimos stupidly suggests he go with her again; she immediately tells him no!  She reminds him what happened last time and says her goal is to get Chloe to come back with her, move here with the baby and Parker and be her friend.  He tells her she’s right and lets her go; Brady shows up just as Nicole is leaving.  He asks Deimos if he’s thinking about doing anything stupid; he gets no response.  

JJ and Jennifer talk about how great it is that Abigail is on her way to see Chad right now, and he won’t have to keep the fact that she is alive a secret from Gabi anymore; Abigail and Andre stand in the doorway, watching Gabi and Chad make out.  Gabi notices someone standing there, and stops kissing Chad; Chad turns around and it’s just Andre.  Abigail has run off and is now on the bench in the park, crying by herself.  She looks at the statue he placed in her memory, next to the bench where she is sitting; she wipes her eyes and tells herself that she HAS to tell him she is alive and coming back to him.  Chad is angry with Andre for interrupting them, he says he shouldn’t have to love a ghost for the rest of his life – he deserves to have something real; Gabi agrees and they both admit that they are not sorry they kissed each other.  They decide to sit down and have a ‘real’ talk about it, and agree that there is no longer anything standing in their way.  Andre finds Abigail, on the ground now, in front of the bench, looking at the plaque on the statue.  

Abigail tells Andre that she has finally realized how cruel she’s been; she says all she is to Chad now is a memory… she is really dead – she starts to have a panic attack again.  She tells Andre she is just really sad; Andre gets her to focus.  She says her heart really hurts but she’s not going to let it destroy her; he tells her it’s okay to cry… tears are a release of the pain.  Chad and Gabi sit on the couch now, giving each other compliments with a little bit of sarcasm; they laugh a bit, and smile.  He gets serious and tells her that when he was with Abigail, there was always so much drama; with her it’s so easy.   Gabi agrees.  He reaches out and brushes hair from her cheek; she asks if he wants to kiss her again.  They agree to take things nice and slow and immediately start kissing again.  Andre tells Abigail they need to go back now; she tells him she is not going back there, ever.  She says this is best for him; she saw Chad and Gabi together and he is happy.  Andre says she misinterpreted things; that was the actions of a lonely man, looking for comfort.  She tells him no.  She has realized that she cannot make Chad happy and the best thing for him is if she never comes back; she walks away, leaving Andre shaking his head.  But, what about the baby??  

When Abigail gets back to her mom’s house, she tells Jennifer that she saw Chad and Gabi kissing; she knew they were together.  Jen says that’s impossible because she and JJ have worked things out; Abby says then JJ is about to find out what it’s like to be the one being cheated on.  Lani, who has just come back to town to spend the holidays with her dad and brother, runs into JJ in the park.  She’s happy to see him, until he mentions that he is on his way to get a present for his girlfriend; she excuses herself.  Theo catches up with his dad to give him his wallet; he sees Lani, about to sit down at a table with them.  He tells Lani he needs to talk to her, alone, first; Lani tells them it’s probably just a Christmas thing.  They walk over to a bench across the way.  Theo tells her that Valerie is a liar – she is hiding something and they need to find out what it is.  He is angry that they have been kissing even though she was on the phone with someone telling them how much she misses them.  He asks Lani, if he gets the proof, will she help him keep Valerie away from their dad; thinking he won’t find anything, I guess, she says, “count me in.”  Theo hugs her.  

Victor walks in to see Deimos sitting by the fire, looking up at the ceiling – he says he recognizes that look; Deimos is planning on killing someone.  He asks him who it is.  Scene flashes to Chloe; she is on the phone with her friend, who is watching Parker… Parker gets on the phone and she tells him she misses him and will see him very soon.  Nicole pops out from behind Chloe and says, “surprise.”  She almost frightens Chloe; Chloe asks her what she is doing there, and what she knows.  Nicole looks confused.  

12-16-2016 (Friday)

So when Jennifer gets home from shopping for a dress for Abigail, she finds out Abby is gone; JJ tries to comfort her by saying she probably just went out to buy something for Thomas.  Jen hopes so.  He says he hopes they can tell everybody that she is alive soon because he doesn’t know how much longer he can keep this secret from Gabi.  That’s when Gabi walks up to the door; the door is partially open.  All she hears is that he is keeping a secret from her.  Gabi and JJ go to the park and sit down on a bench; she says she wants to talk.  She knows he is lying and he still won’t admit it.  He finally asks her if they can just drop it; she says, “sure, let’s drop it.”  They sit in silence.

Abe sits with Valerie in the square; she’s been shopping.  Julie comes over and sits down with them; she asks Valerie if she’s going home for Christmas.  She is a little shocked when Valerie tells her she is staying here; she says Abe must be happy about that.  They excuse themselves.  Later, Abe and Valerie are laughing as they walk, when they spot Theo and Claire at a table in the square.  He asks them if they are on a date; Valerie says no, they are just shopping.  Theo says he hates her, as they walk away, saying she always lies.  Obviously, they are on a date.  Claire tells him to just wait until the spyware they bought comes and they’ll find out everything.  The waitress brings his father’s wallet to Theo; Theo runs off to catch his dad.  Claire just rubs in Ciara’s face how happy she and Theo are all the time; she gets news from her uncle (Paul) that he got the baseball card Ciara told her to get for Theo for Christmas and brags like it was all her idea and says she and Theo are going to have the best Christmas ever together.  Doesn't even thank Ciara for the idea.  She is very insensitive. Ciara goes to get something to drink.  Claire comments about the fact that Ciara made Theo cookies for Christmas; he says she wanted to thank him for being such a good friend.  Claire imagines there is more to it than that, and Theo admits there might be.  Claire tells him he and Ciara are like brother and sister, where she and he are different; she reaches out and kisses him, commenting that a sister wouldn’t kiss him that way.  Ciara comes back and sees them passionately kissing.  

Abigail recalls seeing Chad with Thomas in the square, what he was saying to him, and how Thomas might have seen her; she tells her mom she wanted to walk over there and tell them she was alive, but the darkness starting closing in and she had a panic attack.  She turned and ran.  Her mom starts to comfort her, but she says it’s okay, because it’s not going to happen again; she still swears she is going to tell Chad she’s alive, tonight.  Jennifer gives Abigail all the dresses she bought and tells her to go get ready; she skips off to try them all on.  What I don’t like about this storyline is how they are making mental illness, in general, out to be this HUGE deal that just makes people flip out – or break down - all the time.  *When in reality, the illness they’ve diagnosed Abigail with (Bi-polar Disorder), which often comes with symptoms of anxiety, panic attacks and severe depression, is actually very manageable, with or without medication.  Yes, if left untreated, people can and do have what is called ‘manic episodes’ periodically, and a few of them do go on shopping sprees, unplanned road trips or other impulse adventures; these episodes are intermingled with depressive episodes and ‘level’ episodes.  But the writers here are making it seem like Abigail will break at any second if she experiences any stress whatsoever; personally that offends me, as a sufferer of Bi-polar Disorder.  (*NOTE to the writers ­ ).  

Abigail comes out in a pretty blue, lacy dress and says this is something she needs to do alone; she doesn’t want her mother to drive her.  She walks out the door and pulls out her phone; she calls Andre.  She tells him she is ready to see Chad; he smiles.  Abigail meets Andre in the square; he is going to take her to Chad, having convinced her that she needs him to “soften the blow.”  They agree it’s time to do this.  Gabi shows up at Chad’s house; she apologizes, saying she just didn’t know where else to go.  She tells him that JJ is lying to her again and she can’t take it; he says maybe he isn’t lying… she says she knows he is.  He says, okay, maybe it’s not his secret to tell; she tells him she specifically heard him saying SHE could not know.  He tells her she deserves to be happy, he reaches out and takes her hand; she tells him she just can’t live without trust.  She takes one step closer to him; she says it looks like they both had to say goodbye today – he says it looks like – they kiss.  Right at that moment, Andre and Abigail step in the door.  The two do not even notice the door opening and continue kissing pretty intensely.  Andre is almost-not surprised and Abby may be in shock.  Who knows?

12-15-2016 (Thursday)

A female guard lets Hope know that she recognizes her, as the detective that saved a friend of hers (who was also a policeman) by keeping pressure on his gunshot wound until the ambulance got there.  They both comment that they watch out for one another and the guard gives Hope a nod; the others notice.  A new inmate comes in and the two start harassing her; Hope stands up and tells them to back off.  They tell her she’s gonna have to fight them then; punches are thrown.  Hope takes them both down, only getting hit once herself, by the time the guard gets back.  The guard takes the two to solitary and comes back to give Hope an earned privilege; she slips her, her phone.  Hope calls Ciara, but she’s busy; she video-calls Chad and makes his day.  They spend some time sweet-talking and then he notices the bruise on her cheek and asks what happened to her.  

Chad is discussing placement of a memorial plaque for Abby; he makes an appointment to meet the priest in the square.  Abby comes down the stairs and says no more running for her; she says she is ready – she trusts Chad can get past this, past her lie – they can be a family again.  Jennifer and JJ hug her.  She says she wants to get all prettied up first though; wear something nice and do her hair.  Yet, she goes out for some reason; she sees Chad, holding Thomas, sitting on the bench, looking at the memorial statue he bought for her with a plaque on it.  It’s an angel.  She hears him say he would give anything to tell her he loved her one more time; then he says she would want them to be happy and he takes off his wedding band.  She just stands there.  He lays the ring on the statue; she turns and runs away.  Chad catches sight of her shadow.  Abigail runs into Dario, literally; she is in the midst of a panic attack apparently.  She calms down; he asks her what triggered the attack and she says she made a horrible mistake and she doesn’t know if she can undo it.  

Andre is walking through the park and recalls telling Abby to do exactly as he says; he pops out to talk to Chad.  Chad says he wanted to show him the memorial; he says he still gets the feeling that she is nearby.  Andre says maybe there’s a reason… he starts out, “full disclosure… I’ve kept something from you” (with honorable intentions, of course).  He tells him this news is going to change everything.  Andre tells Chad about some invention of his, a surveillance something or other, which he’s been working on for years before coming to work for DeMira Enterprises.  Chad says that makes it his property; Andre tells him there’s a problem though… someone embezzled a bunch of money from the project.  Now it needs further funding; Chad figures this is why he is just now telling him about it.  Still, Chad is intrigued by it and agrees to it.  Jennifer and JJ are now looking for Abigail; they are in a panic.  JJ mentions that they have to be so careful – he says no one can know, not even Gabi; Gabi happens to approach the door just as he says this, and she hears him.  Now she knows he is keeping another secret from her.  What will she do?

12-14-2016 (Wednesday)

Deimos is on the bed now, fully clothed, talking to Nicole while she sleeps; he tells her to rest, saying he will take care of everything.  He asks Brady to tell her that he had to go out for a while.  Deimos meets with the doctor at the clinic and hands him a check; the doctor says it is very generous.  Deimos tells him he needs some information now; the doctor asks if the check is a bribe – Deimos simply nods his head.  He says he merely wants to question him about the nature of his work; the doctor says his next patient is here.  Deimos holds the door for him and then unlocks it behind him.  Deimos sneaks back in while the doctor is with his patient, of course, and calls Brady; he gets on the doctor’s computer.  Chloe was there with Daniel and Nicole in December; Daniel died New Year’s Eve; in May, Chloe came back for an appointment in May.  The doctor comes back; he gets off the computer and away from the desk, says he just left his keys in the office and came back for them.  The doctor wonders why the door wasn’t locked.  Deimos tells him to be sure to cash that check and leaves.  He tells Brady that he is going to do whatever it takes to make sure that Nicole gets her baby.  

The nurse is trying to book a follow-up appointment for Adrian as she is being discharged from the hospital; she is being rather testy with the nurse and says she will call her when she knows her schedule.  Justin asks Adrian how her appointment went; Adrian tells him she doesn’t want to discuss it, she just needs a little space.  Kayla then asks; she plainly tells them she has found out she is Stage 2 and has an aggressive form due to her genetic tendency and the doctor is recommending a double mastectomy AND chemo.  That’s the 411, she says.  Justin tries to put his arms around her and she backs away; she says it’s okay… she could get a reconstruction and “end up with the hooters of a twenty-year old.”  

Joey and Jade are sitting at a table in the diner; she tells him stress makes the vomiting worse (yeah, right) so she’s hoping they can get along today.  He mentions just being so hung up on the fact that she didn’t tell him she went off the pill, again saying it appears she got pregnant on purpose.  She grabs her mouth and tells him now he got her upset, she’s going to get sick again (talk about dramatic); he feels bad about making her feel sicker…but then gets angry again when she comes back complaining.  They exchange accusations and she tells him, fine then, she’ll raise her baby on her own.  That’s funny.  Jade bends over suddenly as she stands up, and says it hurts, screaming, “ow, ow.”  Kayla meets them at the hospital.  She tells Jade to relax, and of course Jade gets sarcastic; Joey goes to wait outside the room and looks through a window as Kayla prepares to examine Jade.  Steve walks up and puts his hand on Joey’s shoulder; they talk.  He tells his parents that Jade had likely gotten pregnant on purpose; he thinks his telling Jade this morning that he would raise the baby if she couldn’t do it caused all this pain.  They do a sonogram and everybody bonds over the little speck on the screen and the heartbeat.  Joey tells her he doesn’t have any regrets about the baby now.

Nicole is going out for a run; Brady says he wants to join her.  They are laughing after a good jog, as they stop in the square; Kate comes upon them and starts saying shit about Teresa..says everyone will be happier now that she's gone.  Nicole tells her to stop and Kate goes away; Brady thanks her and says he just didn’t want to engage in that.  He just wants to move forward.  He notices the ring missing and asks about it; she kind of tells him she just wants to move forward too.  Brady tells her to do whatever makes her happy.  Chloe answers Nicole’s message with a text; she says maybe they should talk.  

Adrian talks with Justin about her fear of having the surgery; she says she considered having a preventative mastectomy back when she found out about the gene mutation, but should couldn’t make the call even then.  She’s not sure she’s going to have the surgery and asks him to give her time, alone, to think.  He leaves.  She texts Kate; Kate shows up.  Adrian thanks her for coming to the hospital yesterday – and for just holding her hand – because that’s all she needed.  Now she needs a “jump start.”  She can’t bring herself to make that call; Kate picks up her phone and dials the number.  She tells the receptionist she is Adrian’s personal assistant and asks her to hold on; she hands the phone to Adrian.  Hesitantly, Adrian makes the appointment; she smiles and shakes her head.  She hangs up and says that wasn’t hard at all; Kate tells her she’s not made of stone, and doesn’t have to be.  She hugs her and starts to sob.

12-13-2016 (Tuesday)

Kayla sees Sonny in the diner; she tells him she just visited his mom and she seems to be in good spirits.  He says that’s good, because she doesn’t want to see him.  Steve and Paul show up; Paul brings Sonny a Sales Report, on paper, as he complains about not being able to get a signal.  Paul assures Sonny his mom just doesn’t want him worrying about her.  They discuss the “luxury goods” that Eduardo and Dario are dealing in; they say it’s usually larger items… they decide to keep watching them, and once they have enough evidence they can cut ties with the Hernandez family once and for all.  Sonny tells Paul he is feeling better about his mom’s chances; Paul asks him to take a walk with him.  Sonny talks about how the most favorite gift his mom gave him was a pillow she made for him, with his initials on it; she taught him that it wasn’t the gift that counted, but the thought that went into it.  Paul agrees and reminds Sonny how many people are there for him; he says he will always be there for him.  Sonny nods, with longing eyes.  Pauls ‘boyfriend’ shows up just as they are about to kiss, realizing they are sitting under mistletoe.  Sonny excuses himself by saying he has to get back to work.  

Deimos tells Brady his suspicions about Chloe carrying Daniel and Nicole’s baby; Brady questions how that could be possible.  He says Philip mentioned an embryo.  Brady says that it’s ridiculous to assume that Chloe would do that; Deimos says there’s more.  He points out that Nicole and Daniel had some embryos frozen; Brady doesn’t think Chloe would have had one implanted months later, besides, he says, she was so freaked out about the paternity test (thinking Deimos might be the father).  He also points out that her story hasn’t made sense from the beginning; one lie after another.  Brady comments that if he was this obsessed when he thought the baby was his, it’s no wonder Chloe left town; Deimos realizes, all of the sudden, why Chloe hasn’t told Nicole.  When he says it’s all about him, Brady asks, “isn’t it always?”  Haha.  Brady says that he understands Chloe’s hesitation to have him be a part of that baby’s life.  He then tells him that he can’t tell Nicole anything yet; they have to be sure about the truth of the whole thing before saying a word.  She has suffered too many miscarriages and losses before, to suffer another one.  He agrees to help, for Nicole’s sake, as long as there are no more abductions or druggings or anything of that sort.  Deimos says he knows another way to get to the truth.  

Nicole talks with Maggie about her situation; she doesn’t understand why Chloe is so angry that she is still seeing Deimos.  Maggie tells her that Parker said he misses her; Nicole says she misses him too.  Maggie says she and Chloe have been through so much; Nicole agrees…they’ve run the gamete from friends to enemies to “frienemies.”  Maggie suggests she call Chloe.  She does; she leaves a message.  When Deimos comes home, she tells him and is surprised when he isn’t upset.  He says he has learned never to question Maggie’s wisdom and he wants her to be happy; he says, maybe she can convince her to come back to town.  Nicole seems completely naïve about the reason Chloe left town in the first place.  After they make love again, Nicole tells him she had a reassuring dream about Daniel today and she believes nothing can keep them apart now.  He agrees, nothing will.  

Steve surprises Kayla with a gift; a scrapbook of their life together.  He says no matter what tried to keep them apart, they’ve always found their way back to each other.  The last item in the book is a wedding invitation, announcing their wedding… on Valentine’s Day.  He asks her how a Valentine wedding sounds to her.  She loves the idea and says it’s the only Christmas present she needs.  

Sonny meets with Brady, secretly; they both agree that business should be conducted on the up-and-up.  Sonny tells him that his father had him look into the deal between Deimos and Eduardo; he says Deimos doesn’t care what they are shipping, so he hired Steve and his brother to look into it.  Brady asks why he did that.  He says they don’t need to know the family business, and questions if this is really about spending more time with Paul.  Brady then tells Sonny that Deimos isn’t as bad as they once thought he was; Sonny questions why he has changed his attitude about Deimos.  Brady says that purses just aren’t worth getting anyone killed and they should let this one go; Sonny brings up the last time they played it “fast and loose on the docks.”  Brady says if Deimos finds out he went behind his back, he will be fired; he tells him to tell Steve and Paul to drop the case, and to do it now.  Sonny goes back to the square to find Paul and lets them know what Brady said; Paul is stunned to think that Brady thinks it’s better to remain ignorant about what is truly in that shipment, but says if that’s what they really want, he’ll drop it.  Paul tells his boyfriend that Sonny just fired him.  

Before going to sleep (alone), Nicole reaches down and takes off her engagement ring, telling Daniel that she is doing what he asked her to; she is moving on.  She cries as she lays her head on her pillow.  Deimos makes a phone call to a Dr. Lee; he says he is interested in making a substantial donation to the Brookville Clinic.  He asks that the doctor meet with him first thing in the morning.

12-12-2016 (Monday)

Jennifer tries to avoid Brady’s inquisition by asking Eve what she is going there; Brady asks to talk to her for a minute.  He asks to see the bottle; she shows it to him, but apparently there is no name on the label, so he buys her story that they are for her (it is noted that they are non-habit forming).  He apologizes for being suspicious; Jennifer says she understands.  Chad gets a phone call.  Eve tells Jen that if she ever needs to talk to anyone, she is available to her.  Jennifer thanks her and leaves.  Chad goes in to see Rafe; he wants to give him information that he says will change everything.  He tells him how Harold, the butler, told him that Steffano was planning on having someone shoot him.  Rafe agrees this information could help set Hope free.  Chad says he knew his father by reputation before he ever knew he was his dad; he knows what he was capable of.  Manipulation was an art to him; he says Hope was in a bad place and took advantage of it; now she needs their help.  

Roman visits Hope and tells her he will try to do whatever he can for Hattie, since she is a friend of Hope’s.  Hattie comes in and is obviously taken with Roman and his “handsome face.”  Roman is quite flattered.  She tells him her story; he says he is sorry for what she has been through and he will do everything he possibly can to help her.  He is going to send a sketch artist down to draw a picture of this man who set her up for embezzlement.  He tells Hope they’ll talk later and leaves.  Chad comes to see Hope and tells her that he understands everything, he is sorry about what he said in court, he isn’t angry anymore and he hates seeing her punished like this.  Hope says she doesn’t hold anything he said in court against him; she still accepts responsibility for killing his father.  

Nicole wakes up from a dream, with Daniel standing next to her bed.  He smiles at her.  He sits down on the bed; she touches him and he reminds her this is just a dream.  He tells her she is so special, and she has a chance to find a new life, maybe with Deimos.  He says it doesn’t mean that their love will disappear; he knows she will always love him –but she needs someone who can be there for her now.  He wants her to be happy and tells her she can’t do that if she doesn’t allow herself to live, and love again.  She wakes up, for real, and realizes he is not there.  She begins to cry.  Eve heads over to see Nicole; Nicole asks if she knew anything about what Teresa was planning to do.  Eve says it appears that she just “slipped” and got back on drugs; she discusses how hard it can be for some people to walk away from that stuff.  

Philip is still tied to a chair; drugged and unable to hold his head up.  Deimos comes into the room; he asks if he is ready – the man says, oh yeah… this man’s brain is wired open.  Dario says, good, because he needs some answers.  He sits down in front of Philip, and asks about what he told Nancy on the phone; he asks what secret he was talking about.  Philip admits he was going to meet Chloe to tell her they were meant for each other; she was his first love, he says.  She needs him.  Deimos says he is going to tell him what he knows about her first; Philip is too out of it to tell him anything.  Brady bursts in the door and asks Deimos what the hell he thinks he’s doing; he unties Philip and suggests they call Victor.  Brady wants to know what it is Philip could possibly know that would warrant this treatment; Deimos tells his ‘helper’ to take care of Philip until he wakes up and let him get out of there.  He denies even mentioning Chloe and Nicole’s names; says Brady heard wrong.

12-09-2016 (Friday)

Chad tells Gabi he has to accept that his father decided if he was going to die without dignity, he would just take the most horrific way possible and take Hope down with him.  He now feels badly about Hope being in prison.  He says he’s mad at his father for choosing an act of revenge against one of his enemies instead of letting his family be there for him in the end.  She squeezes his hand and tells him she knows how fierce he is when he loves somebody; they let go of hands and he walks away.  Gabi gets a phone call.  Abigail basically tells Dario she will keep his secret, if he keeps hers.  She explains that she didn’t want her family to put her in an institution and be a burden to them the rest of their lives.  He calls her a coward.  She asks him to tell her what’s going on with Chad and Gabi…if JJ is the only reason they are not together.  Dario hears Gabi calling out to him.  She has figured out that the bag is a fake; he offers to take it back and they start pulling on it (she says she loves it anyway).  As she starts to walk away, she hears Abigail bump the boxes again.  She comes back and asks what he’s hiding from her; he insists he is hiding nothing.  She playfully calls out, that she loves the smell of this woman’s shampoo.  She hugs her brother and tells him goodbye.  

Chad tells Andre what he found out about their father; Andre says it changes nothing – Hope still killed him and needs to stay in prison.  Kate and Eduardo stroll through the park; he asks why she is being so quiet.  She tells him that, right before he picked her up, she learned Adrian Kiriakis was just diagnosed with breast cancer.  She then tells him about her experience with lung cancer.  She says Adrian is lucky to have a lot of people supporting her; Eduardo mentions how hard it is to find people you can really trust.  Kate agrees.  They talk about trust, and trusting each other and how they screwed up before, with others, and with each other.  They agree they are cool, regardless of the conflicts they may have between their businesses; she adds, however, that she doesn’t stop until she gets what she wants.  He asks if they are still talking about business; they kiss.  He gets a phone call, and she makes fun of him for having trouble dealing with Titan, and tells him to try a different company next time.  They kiss goodbye.  

Dario meets with Eduardo and admits that Gabi has one of the bags; Eduardo tells him he has to get it back, or Gabi could become a target of the DeMiras.  Brady comes home to find Eve there; she wants to talk about her sister, but Brady doesn’t want to.  She tells him she’s sorry; she thought Teresa had finally figured things out.  She says she was so happy with him, she can’t imagine why she would leave him and Tate like this.  She offers to stay with him through the holidays and help with Tate.  He denies needing help, but offers to let her stay.  Chad asks Andre if it doesn’t bother him that their father set Hope up to kill him; Andre says she confessed and justice was served.  It doesn’t bother him at all.  The butler comes in after Andre leaves and tells Chad that he feels compelled to tell him what he knows about his father; he brings him a box, with a gun in it.  The man who brought it to him, asked Steffano if he planned on shooting someone with the gun; Steffano’s response was that if he does his job right, someone would shoot him.  He says, at the time, he though Mr. DeMira was joking, until he heard Chad say that he was totally ill.

Chad talks to his father while staring at one of the chess pieces; he tells him he would have done anything to help him, if he had given him a chance.  When Abigail gets home, she tells her mom that Dario saw her; Jennifer says she has to tell Chad because it will hurt him worse if he finds out from someone else that she is still alive.  She says this has to stop; it’s Christmas-time.  Abigail says she is right.  It’s time.  She wants to be Thomas’ mom again and she wants her husband back.  Brady and Eve take Tate out to the square; Eve says she hopes and prays Teresa will come to her senses and come back one day.  He says, he is afraid she will have to hit rock bottom first.  Jennifer hurries by and bumps into Eve; she excuses herself and continues on her way.  Chad calls out to her and asks about the pills she is carrying; she doesn’t know how to explain her having them.

12-08-2016 (Thursday) ABIGAIL EXPOSED?

Dario carries bags, full of the ‘counterfeit bags’ through the park; his sister runs into him.  Gabi questions what he did for Blanca to bolt so quickly; he says she just decided he wasn’t the right guy for her, claiming she didn’t give him a reason.  He asks about her and Chad; she tells him that she gave JJ another chance and Chad is no longer an issue.  Dario keeps asking if she still has feelings for Chad; she says no, because she doesn’t work with him anymore.  She has decided to franchise, expand her business with more than one client; he says it’s probably a good thing anyway, given their family’s history with the DeMiras.  She bumps his arm and knocks the bag to the ground; she assumes the purse is a Christmas gift for her.  Dario cannot bring himself to tell her otherwise; she hugs him and suggests she just take it now.

Abby stares at a picture of he and Chad, and remembers the day he took it, sitting on the bench in the park.  She lays the picture down and picks one of Thomas’ stuffed animals.  Hope’s new “protector” stands over her shoulder while she visits with her parents, Doug and Julie.  She introduces herself to them as ‘Chili’ and promises no one will lay a hand on their little girl, though she admits Hope can pretty well handle herself.  After they leave, Hope makes a Christmas ornament; she suggest Hattie make one too.  Hattie asks why; Hope says to hang on her tree when she gets out as a free woman.  She tells her that she got word Roman is going to look into her case; Hattie gets up and hugs her, then gets nervous at the thought of seeing “Mr. Roman.”  When they get home, Doug and Julie talk about how they hate to see their girl locked up in that place; Doug says at least she has some friends, even a scary one like Chili.  They decide they want to put Christmas lights up on the outside of the house; Julie goes up to the attic to look for them.  Abigail hears her and climbs out of the window; Julie sees the window open and closes and locks it.  Doug hears Abby as she lands on the ground; he steps out the door and sees the little stuffed lamb.  He brings it in and asks Julie if she knows how it could have ended up there; she says maybe it was on the sill when she closed the window.

Rafe finds Dr. Kline and brings him into the police station, where he shakes hands with Chad (who had come in to talk to Shaun about the case against Hope).  Chad asks why his father’s physician has been brought into this; he verifies that Steffano had diabetes, which should have denied him the insurance policy he tried to obtain just weeks before his death.  Rafe points out, the doctor committed fraud for Steffano.  Chad insists the doctor tell him exactly what the state of his father’s health was at the time of his death; he said Steffano forced him to lie on those documents, but was still denied the policy.  He says Steffano knew he was very close to death at the time of his murder.  The doctor tells Chad that his father actually had colon cancer; he was dying and he knew it.  Rafe understands now; suicide by cop, he says.  

Chad sits in the park, contemplating his father’s death; Gabi happens by.  He tells her that his dad was not the man he thought he was; he set Hope up, knowing he was going to do.  Gabi takes his hand.  Nicole wakes up, crying, from a dream of Daniel; she apologizes to Deimos but says she can’t pretend she doesn’t miss Daniel.  Deimos hugs her and says it’s all right.  He asks her to tell him about this dream.  She explains to Deimos how Chloe offered to be a surrogate for her and Daniel; how they tried, and failed to get the fertilized egg to take.  She says they wanted to try again, but never got another chance because Daniel died.  She says having a part of Daniel would have meant everything to her; Deimos thanks her for opening up to him about this.  She thanks him for understanding.  He suggests maybe Daniel is appearing in her dreams “more than normal” because of Chloe’s baby.  He suggests that maybe Chloe lied to them about the pregnancy not taking; and maybe this is Nicole’s child (but Daniel has been dead for almost a year, hasn’t he?).  Nicole says the timing is off; it couldn’t be.  

Dario is on the docks, passing the purses off to the buyer; he cuts one open and pulls out a microchip – he says one purse is missing (the one he gave Gabi)… Dario promises to get it back.  He hears something bump the boxes after the buyer leaves; it’s Abigail.  He asks how it’s possible that she is alive, and asks if Chad knows; she says he can’t know.  He pulls out his phone, but she says if he calls Chad, she will call the cops and tell them what she just saw; she doesn’t know what it was, exactly, but says it looked pretty damn illegal.  Dario puts his phone down.  Omg… a man calls Deimos to tell him, “he’s tied up and ready for you, just like we discussed.”  He has Philip, tied to a chair, with a gag in his mouth, and injects him with something.  

12-07-2016 (Wednesday)

Kayla tries to comfort Adrian, but Adrian says she took time to think and realized that they are all in this together; she knows she is not alone.  Steve, Justin, Lucas and Sonny, all look down in despair; Adrian just shakes her head okay.  She gets a little faint and sits down.  They argue over who is going to take her to the hospital; Kayla says she will take her.  The others go to pack Adrian’s bag and will meet her there.  Kate finds Lucas in her living room and begins to berate Adrian for picking Justin over him; he tells her she didn’t – she didn’t pick either one of them because she has cancer.  Kate apologizes.  She reminds him that she survived lung cancer; says they are doing amazing things every day working toward a cure; Adrian may be okay.  She admits it is a tough road, but says that woman has an amazingly strong, fighting spirit and is surrounded by love; she assures Lucas, she will be all right.  Lucas pulls out the plan ticket he had gotten for their honeymoon and tears it up.  

Kayla gets Adrian settled in a room and goes to set up the tests – Steve pulls out a deck of cards.  She asks him if he would go get her a burger, instead.  He tells her if she wants to be alone, she just needs to tell him; she says she didn’t want to be rude.  She promises not to try to run away again.  Brady is packing a bag of Teresa’s clothes; he doesn’t want to discuss business with Deimos.  He says he was shut out, when he tried to involve himself the other day, so at this point, he is disinterested.  Nicole comes in. She asks Brady how he is doing, mentions Teresa and he tells her he could care less anymore; Teresa had her chance to be a mother and threw it away.  Nicole insists there must be more to the story; Brady says that he and Tate are better off – he leaves, saying they will discuss business later.  

Deimos tells Nicole she has already made a huge difference in profits; she admits Asian markets went crazy for their new eco-friendly designs.  They go upstairs to make love.  In the square, Brady runs into Paul and talks about how he is going to tell his kid one day what happened, because he doesn’t understand it himself, and probably never will.  Paul tells him, Tate still has a great dad who cares a whole lot for him, and a wonderful family, made up of a whole lot of people who love him; he assures Brady that Tate will be okay.  He even suggests he may find love again some day.  Nicole asks about Philip and Chloe; Deimos says Philip is too busy accusing him of playing favorites, at Titan, to tell him anything.  Nancy (Chloe’s mother) shows up to talk to Philip.  She says she just came from seeing her in Chicago; she says Chloe told her everything… they go somewhere they can talk freely.  

Paul finds Sonny in the square; Sonny tells him about his mom.  He blames himself, and his stupid plan to lock her in that room all night with Lucas and Justin; he says he might have put his mom’s life at risk. Paul reassures Sonny that it wasn’t his fault; this is a genetic condition.  In fact, he says, he just may have helped his mom; the cancer may not have been detected so quickly if she hadn’t gotten exhausted and passed out.  He tells Sonny he is there for him to lean on anytime, no matter what; he puts him arm around his shoulder.  Justin gets home and gets pissed at Brady, after Brady asks him to respect what he is going through and give him a little space; he says Teresa made her choice to throw her life away – other people don’t have a choice.  Their lives get taken away by illness - like cancer; Brady isn’t sure what to say to that.  He inquires about what Justin means.  Justin says he blames himself because he encouraged Adrian not to worry about it; he blew off the possibility every time she mentioned she could get cancer.  Brady swears to him, she’ll be fine; she is a survivor, he says.  He hugs Justin.  Justin pours himself a drink; when he finishes it, he throws the glass into the fireplace.  

Philip tells Nancy that Chloe only told him a few weeks ago that the baby was Nicole’s; her mom worries that Chloe will spend the next eighteen years raising someone else’s baby and passing it off as her own.  Philip says he needs to be Chloe’s friend and help her sort all this out; only, he admits, that he wants to be more than friends (he says he told Chloe he loved her and she hasn’t mentioned it since).  He wants to go see her, to talk to her face-to-face.  He goes home to pack and is talking on the phone with Nancy, telling her he is leaving now and won’t be saying a word to Nicole, when Deimos comes down the stairs and overhears.  Kate comes into Adrian’s hospital room and takes her by the hand; they both start crying.  Touching.

12-06-2016 (Tuesday)

Chad gets set up on a blind date by the company he is trying to impress; he doesn’t want to go, but he does need a date.  He asks Gabi to go with him.  Andre says he doesn’t think that’s a good idea, adding she has nothing to contribute.  How rude.  Chad makes Andre apologize to Gabi.  However, after Chad exits the room, Andre tells Gabi he doesn’t think it would be good for Chad to escort an ex-con to a business function.  Gabi defends her reputation by comparing it to his, adding that she has already helped Chad; he doesn’t buy it and continues to degrade her.  She calls him a hypocrite and he accuses her of using Chad and trying to replace Abigail… then he quickly puts on a smile as Chad re-enters the room in the new suit Gabi brought him.  She becomes really nervous after Andre leaves and tells Chad she needs to resign; he asks why.  She makes up all kinds of excuses and backs out the door; Chad is upset.  Andre acts surprised when Chad tells him she quit; Chad asks what Andre said to her while he was changing.  Andre completely skirts around the truth and tells Chad that he thinks what she did was a blessing.  Gabi tells JJ that she no longer works for Chad; she tries to blame it on her conviction, saying she isn’t worthy of being an image consultant.  Dumb.  JJ seems a little more than confused.  

Adrian sits in a chapel somewhere; she tells the priest she is scared for the people she loves, because of what ‘she’ did… not sure what she means by that.  She says she doesn’t want to be a burden on her family; the priest suggests she talk with God about it (pointing to a plaque of Christ hanging on the wall).  She tells him she doesn’t know what to pray for; he tells her just to tell Him that and adds, “He already knows what you need.”  Steve comes to see Kayla at the hospital; she asks why he isn’t home – he complains about Jade’s behavior around the house (or lack of it).  Kayla agrees they need to sit her down and have a talk, after they know Adrian is okay… meanwhile, Jade sits on the couch as Joey waits on her hand and foot, bringing her food to munch on, etc.  She complains about his parents making them sleep in separate rooms and makes fun of them; he tells her she needs to stay out of their face, basically.  She asks if he is going to marry her before the baby is born; he says he is just worried about learning how to take care of it after it’s born.  Later, they meet in the park; she’s gone shopping for a few things for the baby… he’s reading a book about pregnancy and tells her she needs to go see a doctor because she was taking birth control pills when she got pregnant.  She admits that she wasn’t – she quit taking them months ago.  He asks if she got pregnant on purpose.  She says you can’t get pregnant just by wanting to, so no.  Yeah, right.  She begs him to be happy about this; she wants to be a family.  He gets up and leaves; she holds her belly.  

“Abigail” sits and talks with her brother in the attic; he pleads with her to quit hiding.  He swears there is nothing going on with Chad and Gabi, claiming he and Gabi are better than ever before.  She says she just doesn’t want Chad to know, because she has decided it’s not fair to “keep jerking him around” but JJ doesn’t get that – he reminds her that that’s what their dad did to them, for their ‘own good’ and asks if she really wants to do that to her son.  Abigail says she thinks it is best and tells Jennifer that she thinks she needs to leave; of course Jennifer tries to talk her out of it.  Then a knock on the door; Abigail runs up the stairs.  It’s Lucas.  He tells Jen that Adrian passed out last night and Kayla looked really worried as she ordered all kinds of tests; but now Adrian is missing.  He thinks Jen is hiding her because she is blocking the staircase.  

Abby recalls her first ‘tour’ of the mansion when Chad was considering buying it and making it their home; it’s a completely re-done scene (seems weird to me, seeing it), where he describes his vision of the future with Thomas, their daughter “Daisy”, their dog “Fluffy” and the garden they will plant outside.  She remembers their promise to each other to be a family and build a future together; she starts to head for the door, but Andre heads her off as he comes in.  He tells her that he put a stop to whatever was going on between Gabi and Chad; says she has to do exactly as she tells him… he wants to ‘soften’ Chad so he doesn’t go into shock.  But then he tells her to hurry because they don’t have a lot of time.  Chad is lighting candles at the same church, Adrian was just at; he tells the priest that when Abigail first ‘died’ the pain seemed to keep her alive.  In some sense, I understand that.  He admits now the pain has lessened.  He thinks he may be ready to move on.  The priest explains how people move through the stages of grief; Chad says a part of him still doesn’t want to believe she’s gone because he never saw her body.  He suggests something to give Chad “closure” and tells him God wants him to be happy; maybe there will be love for him again in the future, he says.  

Justin assures Sonny that they will find his mother; he makes a call to her cell phone and leaves another message.  She looks at her phone and flips it over; she picks up her bag and leaves her phone laying on the pew.  Steve finds Adrian, in Caroline’s diner; she tells him she came back because it is time to talk to Kayla.  So why did she leave her phone at the church?  Steve is relieved.  Adrian hugs everyone when she gets back to Kayla’s; they were all waiting for her there.  She asks Kayla to tell her what is wrong with her; Kayla hesitates, but then tells her she has breast cancer.  In her heart, Adrian already knew this.

12-05-2016 (Monday) CATCHING UP!

Claire complains to Ciara about how much of a pain her mother is, trying to run her life, EVEN from another country; Ciara remarks sarcastically and Claire apologizes, realizing Ciara misses her mother terribly.  Ciara excuses herself and leaves the room; Claire then hints to Victor that she needs some money, for a “project for a friend” – he gives her $200 and says he doesn’t care what she does with it.  She hugs him and asks him not to go anywhere for a long, long time.  Hope is playing cards with Hattie, her friend in prison that looks just like Marlena; Hattie tells Hope she used to be a secretary in Chicago, tried speed-dating and met a guy – she says it was perfect, until it wasn’t.  The two inmates, who attacked Hope earlier, are whispering in the corner about these two having a big surprise coming.  Ciara comes back out and asks where Claire went; Victor says either off to save the world, or to buy a new backpack.  Ciara asks if he gave her money and he says he gives all his grandkids (and great-grandkids, I guess) money.  Ciara says she thinks Claire is “up to something” – Victor smiles and says that’s his girl.  

Hope asks for the rest of Hattie’s story; she said she showed up to work one day and the place was crawling with cops (someone had embezzled a lot of money and it traced to her computer)… she says she doesn’t even know how to send an email - it was probably her boyfriend who set her up.  Hope offers to have Rafe look into her case; no promises.  A big, manly woman walks in; the other two tell her Hope is a cop and say “Hattie is sucking up to her” (comments ensue about Hope’s looks).  The big woman says she won’t be so pretty when she gets done with her.  She goes over and tells Hope to move out of “her” chair; Hope ignores her request.  Hattie stands up to her but the woman could care less.  She pulls out a knife; Hope stands up and pushes the woman down, face-first into the table and sits her in the chair.  She asks if she’s happy now; the big bully doesn’t know what to think.  Deimos walks in clapping his hands?  He tells everyone that he wants to talk to Hope alone; everyone but Hattie exits the room.  He notices her resemblance to Marlena; she lets him know she’s tired of hear about it and leaves the room.  

Deimos apologizes for his part in kidnapping Beau; Hope tells him to leave.  He tells her he can’t undo the pain he caused her, but he promises to find a way to help her now; he turns and leaves.  Hope looks confused.  Hattie comes back in to ask who Deimos is, commenting on how gorgeous he was; Hope says he’s nothing but trouble.  Everyone else comes back in, the two start harassing Hope again and the big woman tells them to quit; she says she has “taken a shine” to Hope.  Later, she admits to Hattie that someone on the outside is paying the guards, and they offered to pay her, a good amount of money, to make sure Hope stays safe in there.  Hattie assumes Hope doesn’t need her anymore; Hope tells her they are friends.  When Deimos gets back home, Victor thanks him for taking the steps necessary to make sure Hope is safe in prison.  

Rafe and Shaun are reviewing emails from Steffano’s account; they see one they find somewhat interesting.  They have Kate call the doctor named on the email, a Dr. Kline; when she mentions Steffano, the doctor hangs up on her.  They wonder why.  They find out Steffano had recently taken out a new life insurance policy; Shaun wonders who would insure him, since Steffano was so old.  Kate says for enough money, a lot of companies will; they ponder the idea that Steffano actually set Hope up to shoot him.  

Theo stops by the hospital to pick his dad up; he just had his final exam, but tells Valerie he hopes he can still see her; she says he knows where she is.  Theo says they are going to pick out a Christmas Tree – the ugliest one, to pretty it up and take care of it (like his mother used to do) – he suggests Valerie come along with them.  She smiles and accepts the invitation.  Afterward, they invite her to spend Christmas with them.  She gets a phone call, but misses it; she says she has been having problems with it lately.  Theo asks if she has tried a factory re-boot; she has no idea what he’s talking about.  Abe tells her Theo is a wiz with electronics; she leaves him with it while she goes to get coffee… Theo sees some text messages, which he takes a picture of.  

Ciara shows up and tells Theo she has been talking to a guy on the dating site he set up for her; he encourages her to text him and see if he’s free.  He tells her to have him meet her there in the square and he will stay and watch to make sure everything is okay.  The guy shows up; it’s an old friend of JJ’s; a known drug dealer.  She tells him to go away; he asks if they couldn’t have coffee anyway and she laughs at him and walks away.  He follows her; she gives in and they sit down, but she immediately regrets it.  Ciara shows up and Theo shows her the picture he took of those text messages; she tells him Valerie is definitely hiding something and suggests they get spyware to find out what else is on her phone.


TOO ALL WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING ON ME... my apologies; other projects became a priority this month.  I have completed my basic classes now, and am preparing for the Doctoral Qualifying Exam, which I will be taking on February 5th, 2017.

My mother is still pressing the lawsuit against my daughter, (listen to podcast here) and we've had Interrogatories to Answer; returned the favor by sending Interrogatories to her.  She answered, falling for the old 'ask the same question three different ways' trick, no twice and yes once.  Hmm, one of those answers is obviously a lie. Still have not even received notice of a Pre-trial Hearing setting or (what I'd rather see) a Dismissal.  The judge probably still hasn't even looked at the case.

I also completed my first Children's Book this month; it launched a few days ago - this book is available right now on Amazon, PURCHASE NOW and will be in Barne's & Noble and other online book stores in 2-3 weeks!  (Was trying to get it out before Christmas, but the publishers just couldn't get it done.)  Better late than never, though, right?  It's in time for the New Year!

Haha.... I actually started the manuscript for this book fifteen years ago!  Illustrations that impressed myself!  Some of these illustrations, I changed by the time the final galley was done.   

I will also be working on Part 2 of A Letter to Heaven, 'The Struggle,' for the next week, as well; it is written, I'm just editing and formatting for the paperback.  I'm hoping to publish before the end of the year (but it may end up being just after).  I'm trying to get these highlights caught up for you before the videos disappear off of NBC.com for good - I only get two weeks worth of back-episodes and then they're gone.  (At least it's not only 5 days anymore.)  So on to DAYS!

Love to all & Happy Holidays!  ~Dennel

12-2-2016 (Friday)

JJ opens the door and makes Gabi close her eyes; he leads her in and reveals a beautiful fancy dinner table set up in the room.  She kisses him.  He asks what Sonny said when she dropped Ari off; Gabi tells him that she left Arianna with Chad instead of taking her to Sonny’s.  She also says that Chad is happy for them; JJ says he’s glad he came around to that.  Gabi questions “came around”?  JJ tells her that Chad was telling him earlier that she deserved much better than him; he wasn’t happy about it then.  JJ says he needs to ask her a question about Chad… he says he’s wondering how he’s getting through the holidays; he asks if he’s looking for someone else.  She says she didn’t come there to talk about Chad, and climbs on top of him, sitting on the bed.  

Kate discusses business with Chad and gets no response, so she says something snide; he remarks, so she knows he could hear her.  She asks what he’s thinking about; Gabi, he tells her.  He has realized he had feelings for her and now she’s back with JJ.  She says he probably dogged the bullet with that one.  JJ and Gabi begin to undress, getting ready to make love; he has flashbacks of his infidelity – he sits up suddenly.  She asks him what’s wrong and because he promised to be completely honest with her, he tells her why.  She asks if he remembers who it was.  He doesn’t, and he says he doesn’t want to know; it’s behind them and he loves her.  She tells him to prove it; he starts kissing her again.

Rafe and Shawn come to talk to Chad about his father; they ask if there is anything about the night he died that he might not have mentioned before.  Chad tells him he will think about it for a few minutes and then let them know; Chad comes back downstairs and gives them a receipt from that night.  They thank him for his time and leave.  They are going through all of Steffano’s emails to find something they can use to get Hope out of prison.  

Justin and Lucas are still arguing, yelling and threatening to punch each other; Marlena comes in to tell her that she needs to give them some information.  Kayla says she just wants to wait on the test results; she’s concerned and doesn’t want to worry them.  Marlena inquires why; Kayla tells her Adrian cancelled her last mammogram.  Marlena says they’ll just have to hope for the best.  Kayla is brought out in a wheelchair to go for the rest of her tests.  Marlena talks to Adrian and asks why she is having such a hard time revealing her decision to these guys; she says she made her decision, but now she’s confused again.  She tells Marlena that she doesn’t know how to plan for the rest of her life when her body is betraying her; Marlena says she may have lost the ability to make a decision when she learned of her cancer.  Kayla returns to give Adrian her test results and finds her room empty; no one saw her leaving.

12-1-2016 (Thursday)

Kayla and Steve talk about how happy they are to have found their way back to each other; she wonders how Adrian is fairing with her decision.  Sonny calls her to come check on Adrian.  Adrian gets her blood and decides what tests to run; she asks Adrian when her last mammogram was.  Adrian tells her not to go there, swearing she goes for all her regular checkups and was just dehydrated.  Steve comes in to talk to her; he gives her a hard time and says he’ll be back later.  Adrian asks to talk to Justin; he goes in to see her.  We are not privy to much of their conversation.  She calls in Lucas next; she tells him that he is amazing and she wants to be with him.  He is so relieved; he kisses her.  Kayla comes in to talk to Adrian; Adrian says she looks serious.  

As JJ works, he stresses over what Abigail told him; he says he needs to get out of there and find “her” (referring to Gabi I think).  He calls Gabi, leaving a message that he will be there to check out Christmas lights with Ari; Gabi and Chad keep coming face-to-face in awkward moments as they sit with the kids in the park.  Chad says he should head back, as they stroll through the square; Gabi agrees, then JJ approaches them.  He asks Gabi to meet him when he gets off work and makes a big deal out of kissing her in front of Chad; Chad notices how overt he is being and how Gabi is slightly uncomfortable with his kissing her.  

Jennifer is surprised to see her mother at the door; Abigail runs to hug her.  Jennifer is astounded when she realizes her mother knew Abigail was alive this whole time.  She demands to know what’s going on; her mom explains that she took Abby in because she showed up at her door asking for help.  Jennifer can’t believe her mom would let her believe that her daughter was dead; she is pissed and says she doesn’t want to hear another word from her mouth.  She grabs her purse and leaves.  After she cools off, she goes home; she tells her mother she understands why she did what she did and she appreciates it.  Abby sits in the attic, crying; she stops when her mother brings her some tea.  Jennifer tries to convince her to come out of hiding; she says she will think about it.  

JJ talks with Abigail again; he tells her she’s made their mom very happy.  He also says she got it wrong about Gabi – he’s sure she is with him and only with him.  Gabi smells a rose and takes one with her on her way to go meet JJ, as she’s leaving Chad’s house.

11-30-2016 (Wednesday)

Rafe comes to visit Steve; says he wants to hire Black Patch to get Hope out of prison; Steve agrees to help him do whatever he needs to be done.  Steve tells Kayla when she gets home that Hope is in trouble and Rafe is panicking; he wants to hire Black Patch.  She understands.  They discuss Joey and the impending grandchild; he promises her they will get through this, and she agrees.  They realize they have the house to themselves for a little while and head upstairs.  After love making, they look at old pictures of the kids on the couch and laugh about becoming grand-parents. Hope gets harassed by a couple of inmates in the break room, while trying to use the computer; They let her know that they are the ones who tore up her picture.  She stands up to them, impressing another inmate, whom the others appear to be afraid of – she looks surprisingly like Marlena.  She says her name is Hattie.  They appear to know each other; apparently Steffano tried to pass her off as Marlena once.  She says Hope did what she always wanted to do…pumped the old coot full of lead!  She offers to be Hope’s friend.  In exchange to a later introduction to “Mr. Roman,” Hattie offers to watch Hope’s back in there; they ‘fist pump’ on it.  When Rafe comes to visit, she tells him that she was attacked.

Adrian wakes up to find both of the men still in the room with her; they both give her a hard time about grinding her teeth in her sleep.  They kind of gang up on her.  Sonny still sits in the chair outside, with pillows and a blanket; Paul shows up to show him the knock-off bag he and John ‘found’ at the docks.  He mentions he has a kink in his neck; Paul offers a shoulder massage.  They hear something break inside the room; Sonny goes in and tells his mom maybe she should try Tinder.  Adrian announces that she has made her decision; she tells Lucas she’s her best self with him, she has done so many things with him she would have never done and he taught her how to enjoy the quiet moments in life… she tells Justin that he is wonderful father and she loves him and always will, adding that it was a really hard choice.  Just as she is about to tell them, she passes out.  
Claire asks Ciara for help figuring out what she should get Theo for a Christmas present (throwing in Ciara’s face that they are now ‘boyfriend/girlfriend’; she tells Claire to get him a baseball card… “Ron Santo.”  He’s been after it forever, she says.  Claire says she’s going to call her uncle, Paul.  Rafe sees Ciara and asks if she wants to talk; Ciara admits that she is starting to have feelings again, but now he’s taken, by Claire.  Rafe tells her just to talk to him and be honest with him; she says she can’t because they both seem to be really into each other.  He says maybe she’s right; that’s not what Ciara wanted to hear.  Theo asks Claire about seeing if Ciara wanted to go with them; she said she would probably feel like a third wheel.  He asks if she’s ever thought about online dating; Theo offers to help her set up her profile (things seem a little awkward, but sweet).  Paul tells Claire he’ll see what he can do about the card for Theo; she also asks if she could borrow some of his spy equipment but doesn’t want to tell him why.  He says he can’t loan it out; she says okay, then tells herself she’ll just have to get it another way.