Week ending 12-4-15

Alright. So I miss one or two shows and all kinds of stuff must have happened… I am not happy that nbc.com only makes the latest five episodes available.  They should have all the shows on there by now, for every season.  But nonetheless, I’ll catch up.

            I remember Theresa being shunned from Thanksgiving dinner; then all of the sudden, after several episodes without her even in them, she has her suitcases packed and at the door.  She’s telling Brady the baby is upstairs and she’ll call in the morning.  Ok.

            But wait.  Brady is going to get in a fight with his grandpa over kicking her out and now he’s going to move into the townhouse he bought for her, with her??  Wow.  They have him acting like he’s falling in love with her – which, to me, is just too unbelievable.  He despised her so badly; there’s just no way.  Not happy with that.

            Almost missed Bo’s death too…because it was so stupid.  Not sure what to say here; why so sudden, sitting on a park bench, after all that time in supposed captivity?  And why did the paramedics just stand there behind her while she sobbed over his lifeless body, for several minutes no less, rather than making any attempt to see if he could still be resuscitated?  Had they been given prior notice that he was terminal anyway so they shouldn’t even bother seeing if he could be brought back?  I guess, because they just threw a sheet right over his facer, as if they were prepared to take him to the morgue.

            I like Hope better as the strong, determined woman she is here again, than the naïve ditz she was portrayed as with Aiden, though.  But I think it sucks that they even brought Bo back, just to kill him off right away, in order to develop this role for Hope.

            Now, let’s talk about Abby and Ben.  Great storyline here, but still some hokey acting/ script-writing.  I do like the psychotic character Ben has become; it’s an interesting twist for what had become a rather boring love triangle story.  However, I don’t believe he would have flipped on Abby quite so fast – he would have tried a lot harder to convince her that he still truly loved her and was doing all of this ‘for them’.  Then there’s the birth, which, for all of us mothers (who have done this a time or two) was just ridiculous.  The whole scenario was poorly constructed from the moment the midwife handed Ben the clean sheet to put on the bed up (which never got put on) to and including the moment she held up a perfectly clean, healthy pink, (what?) two-month premature ‘newborn’ baby, who weighs at least eight pounds.  Enough said.

            Abby acts so helpless, it irritates me… she has always been so submissive to Ben, even before we knew he was, indeed, psychotic (I always had my suspicions) I never really liked her character.  I like Chad more and more, though – he just burst in to save Abby and the baby.  We’ll see how that goes.

            Ok. Not so well… after a short attempt at talking Ben into letting Abby and the baby go, Chad is knocked out, face down, on the floor.  Abby stupidly handed the baby to Ben, with the gun still in his hands, giving up her only leverage over him; and after Chad regains consciousness and struggles with Ben a bit, he and Abby end up cuffed to the bed by arms and legs, and Ben sets the bed on fire.  Doesn’t look good for them.
            I’m sure the police force must be right outside ready to save them; Ben exits.  Quite a cliffhanger, I must admit, although sloppily orchestrated.  Better luck next week.

Nov. 9, 2015

I cannot believe what I am watching… as I writer, I am appalled that these scenes would have been written the way they have; I’m thinking, this has got to be a dream sequence – come on, tell me this is a dream sequence! 
Then Hope is laying on the floor.  Bo has rushed in the door to save her.  After beating off Aiden and leaving him laying, no so helpless, on the stairs, Bo rushes to Hope’s side and kneels over her.  He touches her and says something like ‘oh no, no…come back to me fancy face, come back to me’; no response.  Them Bo starts to PUMP HER CHEST?  What the hell??  She didn’t have a heart attack – she was strangled (supposedly) to death.  He leans over her, as if to listen for a breath; hears nothing, and starts fake pumping her chest again – so high above her boobs that it would actually only succeed in breaking her sternum rather than bringing her back to life. 
Oddly enough, he leans over once more, tells her to breathe, saying “you can do it”…and once again, simply begins his odd version of chest compressions.  I’m sure I am not the only Days of Our Lives fan who has taken CPR classes and anyone should know that if someone is lying on the floor, not breathing, the first thing you do is BREATHE FOR THEM.  Mouth-to-mouth, you know?  Have the writers really never heard of this?  I can’t believe they would have allowed that to pass editing, let alone make the cut for filming.  They should fire the director that permitted that lousy acting to play out, not to mention the writer that stupidly forgot the facts of life (I mean, I know it’s a fantasy, but still…keep it a little real, at least where scientific facts are concerned).  Dead people don’t just start breathing on their own.  However, being that Aiden had just killed her, Hope does have a chance of coming back to life IF someone will give her a breathe – that is, so long as Aiden didn’t crush her trachea, which I’m sure he didn’t, because he barely held that tie around her neck long enough to make her pass out and she had her fingers behind it right up until she gasped her fake last breath.  Aiden then immediately let go of the tie and took if off her neck.  She’s fine.
 I forgot to mention the two times Aiden got back up and attacked Bo while he was ‘attempting to save Hope’s life’… she continues to lay on the floor while they wrestle for the third time, still breathless because Bo never once thought to put his mouth to hers in those first few crucial minutes right after he got to her.  After finally defeating Aiden – I think – Bo has crawled back over to Hope.  He grabs her off of the floor, as he sits bloody and battered, still not thinking of giving her a breath, obviously; and he lifts her up to his chest and just holds her, and begins to sob.  It’s been what…maybe ten minutes, max, since he and Aiden have been tugging it out on the floor, across the room, up the stairs and whatnot?  Even if she really hasn’t had a breath for this long, she could be ok if the dumb writer would tell Bo to breathe for her – quick.
Meanwhile, Theresa has somehow persuaded Brady (really?) to get into bed with her??  What?  That would NEVER happen.  He loved Melani so much and was SO ANGRY at Theresa for ‘making her leave’, there’s no way he would even want to touch Theresa… the kiss in the parking lot was pushing it.  Come on.  Don’t just ruin the storyline like that for a stupid sex scene that no one wants to see anyway; Brady’s devotion to Mel was appealing – his despise for Theresa and her pathetic puppy-dog-love for him was the ultimate storyline (she wants what she’ll never have).  Now what are your options??  Either Brady decides he has made his bed and will have to lie in it; marries Theresa out of guilt and lives in misery with the mother of his soon-to-be two children…or he says “oops, I did it again”; turns on Theresa once more and tries to explain the trist (and possibly second baby) to  Melani when she unexpectedly decides to come back home, ready to tell Brady she will marry him and fight with him for custody of baby Tate, like she should have done in the first place instead of running away, claiming she had no choice.  But now that Brady has ‘slept with the devil’ again,  Melani will shutter in disgust and be heartbroken and sorry that she returned.  Brady will be sorry too, but will be so roped into Theresa’s tangled web that he’ll probably just let the love of his life walk away again and continue this phony family game with Theresa.  Please no.  The other solution for the writers is to have them both wake up from this dream – her smiling in ecstasy, her smile slowly turning to a frown as she realizes he’s not actually there; and him, screaming in horror as he tries toe escape her grasp in his vision.  There’s still time.

Otherwise, these writers need to get real inventive, real quicke; figure out a way for Hope to miraculously come back to life without the assistance of proper resuscitation and let dumbass-driven-by-his-penis have remembered to put a condom on it, so he can keep the ‘affair’ a secret, at least long enough for him to spew his anger at Theresa for hypnotizing him a while; and long enough for  Melani to come back, agree to marry Brady, fight for custody of Tate, win and celebrate…all the while demonstrating the beautiful, ever-lasting love that Brady and Mel have for each other.  Until the secret comes out, that is.

Come on guys…(or girls) you have to fix this.

Oh looky there; Hope just woke up, without the assistance of so much as a breath!  She came to screaming – and, as if not even surprised, Bo just says “hush, you’re ok baby”… “is it really you?” Hope sobs; “yeah, it’s me”.  How sweet… how dumb.  I’m not saying I don’t like the storyline here… having Bo come back after all this time (pretty much having everyone convinced he was really dead and gone) is nice touch.  But they could have done it without all the stupidity: he could have given Bo a breath or two when he first ran to her side and listened to hear NO air movement – just two quick breaths would have sustained her through Aiden’s first ‘comeback attack’; but then he kneels down by her a second time and just shakes her, and pumps her upper chest again (they could have had him at least place his hands in the proper spot, toward the bottom of the breasts) as he oh-too-gently pretended to press her ‘heart’ back into action, even though I’m sure it hadn’t even stopped, with her barely passing out from lack of air about two minutes prior.

It was just all so hokey.  But now they have everybody’s favorite couple back together again; and there’s danger on his tail, so that will keep their storyline exciting – maybe they can pull the other one back together somehow that isn’t going to be disappointing.  Here’s to hope’n (Bo)!
