12-06-2016 (Tuesday)

Chad gets set up on a blind date by the company he is trying to impress; he doesn’t want to go, but he does need a date.  He asks Gabi to go with him.  Andre says he doesn’t think that’s a good idea, adding she has nothing to contribute.  How rude.  Chad makes Andre apologize to Gabi.  However, after Chad exits the room, Andre tells Gabi he doesn’t think it would be good for Chad to escort an ex-con to a business function.  Gabi defends her reputation by comparing it to his, adding that she has already helped Chad; he doesn’t buy it and continues to degrade her.  She calls him a hypocrite and he accuses her of using Chad and trying to replace Abigail… then he quickly puts on a smile as Chad re-enters the room in the new suit Gabi brought him.  She becomes really nervous after Andre leaves and tells Chad she needs to resign; he asks why.  She makes up all kinds of excuses and backs out the door; Chad is upset.  Andre acts surprised when Chad tells him she quit; Chad asks what Andre said to her while he was changing.  Andre completely skirts around the truth and tells Chad that he thinks what she did was a blessing.  Gabi tells JJ that she no longer works for Chad; she tries to blame it on her conviction, saying she isn’t worthy of being an image consultant.  Dumb.  JJ seems a little more than confused.  

Adrian sits in a chapel somewhere; she tells the priest she is scared for the people she loves, because of what ‘she’ did… not sure what she means by that.  She says she doesn’t want to be a burden on her family; the priest suggests she talk with God about it (pointing to a plaque of Christ hanging on the wall).  She tells him she doesn’t know what to pray for; he tells her just to tell Him that and adds, “He already knows what you need.”  Steve comes to see Kayla at the hospital; she asks why he isn’t home – he complains about Jade’s behavior around the house (or lack of it).  Kayla agrees they need to sit her down and have a talk, after they know Adrian is okay… meanwhile, Jade sits on the couch as Joey waits on her hand and foot, bringing her food to munch on, etc.  She complains about his parents making them sleep in separate rooms and makes fun of them; he tells her she needs to stay out of their face, basically.  She asks if he is going to marry her before the baby is born; he says he is just worried about learning how to take care of it after it’s born.  Later, they meet in the park; she’s gone shopping for a few things for the baby… he’s reading a book about pregnancy and tells her she needs to go see a doctor because she was taking birth control pills when she got pregnant.  She admits that she wasn’t – she quit taking them months ago.  He asks if she got pregnant on purpose.  She says you can’t get pregnant just by wanting to, so no.  Yeah, right.  She begs him to be happy about this; she wants to be a family.  He gets up and leaves; she holds her belly.  

“Abigail” sits and talks with her brother in the attic; he pleads with her to quit hiding.  He swears there is nothing going on with Chad and Gabi, claiming he and Gabi are better than ever before.  She says she just doesn’t want Chad to know, because she has decided it’s not fair to “keep jerking him around” but JJ doesn’t get that – he reminds her that that’s what their dad did to them, for their ‘own good’ and asks if she really wants to do that to her son.  Abigail says she thinks it is best and tells Jennifer that she thinks she needs to leave; of course Jennifer tries to talk her out of it.  Then a knock on the door; Abigail runs up the stairs.  It’s Lucas.  He tells Jen that Adrian passed out last night and Kayla looked really worried as she ordered all kinds of tests; but now Adrian is missing.  He thinks Jen is hiding her because she is blocking the staircase.  

Abby recalls her first ‘tour’ of the mansion when Chad was considering buying it and making it their home; it’s a completely re-done scene (seems weird to me, seeing it), where he describes his vision of the future with Thomas, their daughter “Daisy”, their dog “Fluffy” and the garden they will plant outside.  She remembers their promise to each other to be a family and build a future together; she starts to head for the door, but Andre heads her off as he comes in.  He tells her that he put a stop to whatever was going on between Gabi and Chad; says she has to do exactly as she tells him… he wants to ‘soften’ Chad so he doesn’t go into shock.  But then he tells her to hurry because they don’t have a lot of time.  Chad is lighting candles at the same church, Adrian was just at; he tells the priest that when Abigail first ‘died’ the pain seemed to keep her alive.  In some sense, I understand that.  He admits now the pain has lessened.  He thinks he may be ready to move on.  The priest explains how people move through the stages of grief; Chad says a part of him still doesn’t want to believe she’s gone because he never saw her body.  He suggests something to give Chad “closure” and tells him God wants him to be happy; maybe there will be love for him again in the future, he says.  

Justin assures Sonny that they will find his mother; he makes a call to her cell phone and leaves another message.  She looks at her phone and flips it over; she picks up her bag and leaves her phone laying on the pew.  Steve finds Adrian, in Caroline’s diner; she tells him she came back because it is time to talk to Kayla.  So why did she leave her phone at the church?  Steve is relieved.  Adrian hugs everyone when she gets back to Kayla’s; they were all waiting for her there.  She asks Kayla to tell her what is wrong with her; Kayla hesitates, but then tells her she has breast cancer.  In her heart, Adrian already knew this.

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