12-21-2016 (Wednesday) A BABY IS BORN

Chad and Sonny discuss business; Sonny gets called about a problem at the wharf.  Gabi is on the phone, asking a storeowner to open a little early for her to come by and get a present for a certain guy she’s seeing in an hour (sounds like she’s forgotten all about JJ).  Meanwhile, JJ pulls out a special Christmas ornament he’s had made for Gabi, with her name on it, for their family Christmas tree.  Andre sees Abigail in the park and asks if she has changed her mind; she says no, she just stayed the night for her mother.  He threatens to tell Chad she is alive, himself, if she leaves town without doing it.  He says it’s his responsibility to tell him after all this time; she says then she will tell everyone that he paid off everyone that lied about that plane crash, and Chad will know he’s been lying this whole time; she says then he can kiss his dreams of being a member of the DeMira family goodbye.  Andre looks surprised and says she’s not as fragile as he though; she says it’s funny how that happens.  

She goes home and tells JJ what she saw; he doesn’t believe her and goes to find Gabi… Gabi’s response is, “who told you?”  JJ starts to get pissed and she asks who he thinks he is; as she gave him another chance because she thought it was worth it, then she finds out he’s lying to her again.  She asks who this girl is that he can’t tell her about; he says he can’t tell her, and she grabs her bags (with her present for Chad in them) and tells JJ she’s done… they are done.  She storms off.  

Paul is strolling on the docks and knocks a box off the top of a stack that was just delivered; he looks and doesn’t see anyone around; Dario walks up behind him and catches him trying to cut the box open.  He slams him up against the wall and demands to know who hired him.  Sonny walks up behind him and announces that HE hired him; he says if he has a problem with it they can talk about it.  Dario storms off; he goes to see Deimos.  Sonny and Paul are right behind him.  Deimos refuses to talk in front of Paul and tells Sonny to come back after he leaves; Sonny walks Paul out.  When Sonny comes back and talks to Deimos, Deimos agrees to let Paul and Steve investigate for real.  He, himself, makes a phone call.  

Chad goes to talk to Abigail, next to her statue in the park; he tells 'her' he knows how important the holidays were to her and he wants to keep things special for Thomas.  Gabi shows up in the archway; he invites her over, admitting he’s just missing Abigail.  Gabi says she misses her too.  She tells Chad that she just broke things off with JJ and it didn’t go very well.  Chad asks what she’s doing now; she says she has to go see her dad and brother for just a little bit, then she’s taking Ariana to the party for the kids at the hospital later.  Chad asks her to stop by the house in between; she says that sounds nice.  Gabi shows up to look at the new décor her Eduardo and Dario picked out for the club; she loves it.  Dario sees the present for Chad and assumes it’s for him; he gets a little upset when she tells him she and Chad are going to be spending part of the night together.  

Deimos asks Brady if he has heard from Nicole… she hasn’t come home and isn’t answering her phone.  Brady tells him the weather system dumped about a ton of snow on Chicago last night.  Nicole found a tiny grocery store to walk to and get food; she says her car door has a mountain of snow on top of it now and the doors are frozen shut.  Deimos manages to get through to Nicole’s phone for just a minute; she was able to tell him the name of the lodge “Lakewood,” which was also the name of the Drive it sits on.  Their call gets disconnected though, as she is telling him the road runs alongside a big park.  Turns out, that’s not much help; apparently there are a lot of big parks in Chicago.  Chloe’s labor moves along quickly and the baby starts coming before Nicole even gets the water warmed up; the baby is born…and it’s a pretty little girl, fairly newborn, with not nearly the amount of blood on it that there should be right after birth.  

Nicole’s reaction is adorable; Chloe had been assuming it was another boy – Nicole calls the baby, “my little girl” as she bounces her in her arms (the baby already breathing nicely).  Nicole cleans her up, talks to her and hands her to Chloe asking if she’s ready to meet her mother; Nicole asks Chloe if she has thought of any girl names at all, and Chloe suggests Nicole name her (Nicole is clearly confused).  Chloe tells her she has good reason for letting her name her, and she hands her back to Nicole; Chloe begins crying.  Nicole tells her she’s not making any sense; she should name her, since she’s her daughter.  Chloe says, “Actually, the truth is….” -and reaches up to touch her left cheek, which immediately starts drooping (she did a really good job acting this out); her eyelids flutter, her eyes start to roll upward and her head falls backward onto the pillow as she passes out.  Nicole tries desperately to get a signal back on her phone.

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