10-11-2017 (Wednesday)The Plan is In Motion

Roman asks Marlena if there is a way they can check out Ben’s story; she tells him Kate is meeting with Clyde right now.  He says Clyde is dangerous, and tried to kill Kate more than once; Marlena insists it was Kate’s decision.  Clyde is as crude as Kate remembers him to be, asking if this is a conjugal visit… Kate tells Clyde about the wedding and Ben’s interruption.  He chuckles; says he has his old man’s knack for shaking things up.  She questions Clyde about Ben’s belief that Will is still alive, and why he would tell Ben that.  She begs him to tell her what he knows.

Brady pleads his case with Victor, claiming Sonny needs to deal with his personal life right now; Victor says Sonny isn’t the only one with personal issues to deal with.  He notes that Nicole didn’t come home last night.  Brady denies anything being wrong, saying Nicole just went to see her brother last night.  Nicole wakes up in Eric’s arms; she says it was the most wonderful night of her life.  She dreads having to go talk to Brady today; Eric says he will understand if she tells him this can’t happen again.  He says he doesn’t want to ever let go; she says, “then, don’t.”  She struggles with what she is going to say to Brady; she says she owes him the truth, but she isn’t sure how to tell him that Eric is the man she loves.  Brady says Nicole would never betray him; Victor says Nicole Walker will always be Nicole Walker.  “Until she is Nicole Black,” Brady says.  Victor says he just doesn’t want to see him get hurt again. 

Nicole decides that she has to go talk to Brady today; then gets carried away talking to Eric about moving there with him, thinking of all the animals they could get living in the country; Eric says he never saw her as a country girl.  She says she is sure this is what she wants; “us, forever,” she says… Eric kisses her.  Brady drinks his coffee and stares at the decanter; he finally gives in and pours himself a drink

Adrian prays for someone to come to her rescue in prison; she sees who she thinks is Marlena and hugs her, saying, “I’m so glad you’re here.”  Then she notices the uniform and asks if “that bitch Hattie” did to Marlena what Bonnie did her; Hattie says, “I’m that bitch Hattie.”  Adrian realizes it was no coincidence that she and Marlena were replaced at the same time; Hattie puts all the blame on Angelica.  Adrian asks why Angelica would do this; Hattie tells her it was because she wanted to be with Justin… until she dropped dead.

Bonnie tries to decide how to tell Victor that she overheard him on the phone, plotting to kill his brother; she discusses her plan with Sheila.  She suggests Sheila tell him; Sheila refuses of course, then demands her money, threatening to teach her real blackmail.  Bonnie drops it; Sheila goes upstairs.  Bonnie walks in on Brady drinking and questions if he isn’t “on the wagon.”  

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