09-12-2017 (Tuesday) There's No Rush

Chad asks Andre if he was trying to steal this company from them; Andre gets angry for his questioning his loyalty.  He points out that Chad has endangered the company and the stocks; he says it’s hypocritical to be throwing stones at him.  Abigail stands up and tells them both to stop; she says they need to admit that they’ve all made mistakes and do what they have to do to save the company.  Kate stands up; she’s pissed he tried to stab her in the back.  Andre defends his actions; Chad angrily asks why he had to call a press conference to do it.  Kate tells Andre the board thinks he’s a gullible fool who couldn’t run a vegetable stand, let alone a company.  Abby tells them that Chad is grateful to both of them for what they’ve done; they acknowledge that they were able to work together for his sake.  Abby suggest they all just forget about yesterday and decide what they are going to do next.  They all make their apologies to each other and start making phone calls.

Rafe and Hope wake up in bed together; she panics for a second because the alarm didn’t go off.  He tells her he shut it off; they are going in late today.  He reminds her that Raines’ arraignment is today.  They have time to kill though; they decide to make love.  Afterward, Hope stares at her engagement ring; Rafe asks if she has thought about a date for the wedding.  She asks, “what’s the rush?” then says, “there’s no rush.”  Rafe looks disappointed.  He tells her, usually when people get engaged, they set a date; they talk about what kind of a wedding they want to have.  She says certainly not a big, showy event, like the upcoming double-wedding is going to be.  He realizes she doesn’t want to have to plan anything; he suggests they just go to City Hall and get the marriage license today.  At first, Hope gets excited about it, saying yes “let’s do that” then backs out saying she has too much to do today.  He says, “how about tomorrow?”  She admits he is right; she is avoiding the wedding talk.  She tells him everything is just so great right now; she doesn’t want to jinx it.  She asks what’s wrong with having an endless honeymoon (don’t honeymoons come after the wedding though?)  He tells her he just wants her to be happy for the rest of her life; they kiss.

Brady is on the phone; he shares the news about getting Holly back; he says they are over the moon about it.  He goes out to the living room, talking to Nicole and finds her not there.  Nicole walks into the Center and tells Eric that even though she has the perfect family she dreamed about, all she can think about is being with him; they begin kissing very passionately, and he tells her he’s been thinking about wanting to be with her too.  Julie and Doug come into the center and find Eric asleep, his head on his desk.  He jumps up and says, “you caught me napping on the job.”  They ask how he’s doing without Nicole there; he admits that he misses her.  They suggest he ask her to come back; he says he can’t do that.  She is where she needs to be, he says.  Nicole tells Brady that she’s been thinking about going back to work; he questions her motive.  She says she just thinks that now she has everything she wanted, she should give back; he inquires, “like the work you were doing at the Center.”  She says yes; he is obviously a bit annoyed now and says, “so what you’re telling me is that you want to keep working at the Center, with Eric.:”

Nicole looks down; she almost looks ashamed.  She says she likes working at the Center, but it has nothing to do with Eric; he is irritated.  She assures him this is not about Eric and asks what he thinks.  He tells her he can’t look at her all and say it’s okay for her to go back to work with Eric; he excuses himself.  Nicole gets angry that he is acting this way; he says she knows that Eric still wants her… she says, it doesn’t matter, because she doesn’t want him.  Julie comes by; she says she just wanted to let Nicole that one of the grant proposals she filled out was “short listed” and she thanks her.  She asks Nicole if she would like to come back and volunteer; she says they need her.  Nicole says that means a lot to her; Brady tells Nicole it’s her decision.  She tells him she appreciates that, acknowledging that he’s right; the Horton Center isn’t her only option.  He tells her he has a meeting and has to go.  We see him next, sitting at the bar.  Nicole takes Holly to for a walk in the park; she sits down on the bench.  Eric appears.

Gabi knocks on Eli’s door; he answers, wrapped in a towel.  He asks if she’s okay; she says she’s fine.  He apologizes for taking the shot with her so close; he says it wasn’t really justified and he should have waited, admitting it probably scared her.  She says she doesn’t know what Raines would have done if he hadn’t taken that chance; she actually came to tell him thank you; she says she has something for him.  He goes to get dressed.  She gives him her gift; it’s an old hand-held Tetris game.  He loves it; says he used to play it so much, he saw those squares falling in his sleep.  She asks if he is gong to be transferred now that the case is closed; he says he doesn’t know, but if he is, he is turning it down

Eli says Salem feels like home now and he wants to stick around; Gabi acknowledges he would probably miss his mom, and grandparents.  He says not just them; she smiles.  He tells her she needs to take some self-defense classes; then he tells her he used to be an instructor.  They are practicing a few moves when Julie shows up; Gabi gets nervous, but Julie just says she wanted to apologize for the way she spoke to Eli after he arrested Abe.  He says he wanted to tell her the truth, but he couldn’t.  She says she understands and should have had more respect for his profession; she tells him, looking at Gabi, that she wants him to know, if he is happy, then she is happy.  She blows him a kiss and leaves.  He and Gabi continue their practice until Eli gets a call from a friend, who warns him that he is going to get fired.

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