09-08-2017 (Friday) Hope Figures It Out

Lucas goes to Chloe’s; he tells her he just wants to thank her again for helping him out “with the Angelika situation.”  He says, he swears that he went to bed with Adrian, and woke up with a dead Angelika; he asks Chloe how that could happen.  She tells him she doesn’t know; she tells him not to give up on Adrian, saying she could have a change of heart and come running back to him.  He tells her he doesn’t think so, since they are already living under the same roof.  He wonders how he could have been so wrong about her.  She reminds him how many people love him and asks if he will please go to a meeting today; he says he will, assuring her that he hasn’t drank at all today.

The guard brings “Adrian” out of solitary; he calls her Lockhardt and tells her she better behave this time or she’ll go right back in there.  She starts to cry and begs him to let her make a phone call; he laughs at her, asking for favors already.  She tells him she will do anything to make that phone call; he accuses her of trying to bribe him.  She says she’s not… she just thought they could “work something out.”  He gets interested, says she isn’t really his type, but maybe they could work something out and asks what she has in mind; she says she’ll get back to him on that.  A few of the prisoners are having a ‘farewell party’ one of the inmates who is being released; they tell “Bonnie” she isn’t invited.  Without arguing about who she is, Adrian, asks if she can sign the card; she writes a note to Justin inside of it and asks the woman if she would take it to the Kariakis mansion when she gets out; she tells her she will be the highest paid messenger ever.  The woman agrees; Adrian tries to hug her to thank her, but the lady says this is just business.

Maggie asks “Adrian” why she thinks Angelika was in her room, let alone, why she took her clothes off and got in her bed.  Bonnie says she has no idea; she asks Maggie exactly what she is accusing her of.  Maggie says nothing, and apologizes; she leaves the room.  Justin tells Adrian Maggie will come around, saying she is one of the most kind-hearted people he knows.  Justin gets a phone call; Bonnie says to herself, it’s time to get her revenge on “old Mags” – she says, “that bitch is going to hell.”  She sits down on the couch next to Victor, and starts pretending to cry; she asks him to hand her a tissue.  He just looks irritated.  He says he will talk to Maggie; she pleads with him not to, saying it would just make things worse.  She asks if this can be just between them; he agrees.  She puts her hand on his leg and tells him he is wonderful; she adds, “not to mention your sexy good looks.”  He isn’t sure how to respond; she just smiles at him.

“Marlena” tells the reporters that, not only is Andre incompetent, he is the classic example of a sociopath.  Andre asks her what she thinks she is doing; she tells him she is sorry, but she has to tell the truth.  She says he could snap at any minute and he is a danger to himself and others; he reaches out to grab her, screaming at her.  Roman grabs him from behind, restraining him; “Marlena” says help is on its way.  Two men, in white coats, come and take Andre away; Hattie says she’s already signed the papers.  After the reporters leave (except Jen) “Marlena” asks Roman and Kate if it’s true there was really no “funny business” between them; Roman confirms there is not.  Hattie appears relieved.  When Andre is brought into the waiting room of the mental institution, he is surprised to see Marlena and John sitting there, now strapped to chairs, awaiting their electroshock treatment.  He asks, “what in the hell is going on here.”

After he rambles on about everything that just happened at the press conference, Marlena tells him it wasn’t her; she says it was Hattie Adams.  Andre is shocked; Roman tells Andre they have all been duped.  The orderlies take Andre to his room, kicking and screaming.  He tells them they won’t get away with this.Paul goes to see Hope; he tells her Marlena has told him that his dad is on a mission, but he’s not and he knows it.  He tells her about Marlena dumping John and kissing Roman; Hope is stunned.  She says they need to go find Marlena right now; they go to the Square, where they find Jen and Roman.  They tell them that something is not right; Jen says she tried to get a quote from her, but she ran off.  She says Marlena is definitely not herself.  The more they talk about all the strange things “Marlena” has been doing, each telling their story of involvement with her recently, the Hope gets the picture.  She nods her head.  She tells them she doesn’t think it is Marlena at all.  Hattie decides that she should probably get out of town now before everybody catches on to what she’s done.  When she opens her motel room door, Hope steps in the doorway; she asks, “you going some place, Hattie?” 

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