09-30-2016 (Friday): SALEM UNDER SEIGE

The residents watch in horror as their Mayor is gunned down in front of them after finishing his speech; Theo is terrified that his dad has been shot.  Hope sees a red beam of light on Aiden’s shirt just before Abe steps out from behind the podium; Abe wasn’t the target – Aiden was!  Damn...too bad he missed.  Clyde packs up his gun and gets out of the hotel room as fast as possible; the guys stand there with their guns pointed up at the window where the shot came from; John realizes he’s lost his phone.  When he sees it, the signal is going off from Claire’s necklace.  Rafe keeps aim while Kayla and Marlena try to help Abe; sirens can be heard coming down the road.  Abe is having trouble breathing; Ciara holds onto Theo as he begins to panic, curled up in a ball.  John and Steve decide to leave, to look for the shooter.  

Rafe and JJ enter the building, but when they get to the room, the shooter is gone; Rafe finds a shell casing from a sniper rifle.  He makes a guess it was Weston.  Abe is brought into the hospital, Theo right behind him; Marlena assures Theo, whatever happens, they will get through this.  Steve and John follow the signal and show up at the warehouse; they get close to it and lose the signal… Xander saw Joey holding the necklace and Orphius discovered the GPS chip.  Gunshots ring out and are returned.  

As Hope and Rafe review the footage of the shooting, JJ comes in and announces that “Mr. Jennings” was the actual target.  A camera captured the red light on Aiden’s chest.  Hope, of course, already knew this.  Rafe tells her that he noticed Aiden lean over and say something to her that seemed to upset her – she claims not to remember what it was.  Theo calls his brother and sister; he sits down by Ciara and tells her how close he is to his dad, since his mom died, it’s been just them.  He is nervous that the surgery is taking so long; Kayla said the bullet exploded on impact and went everywhere.  Kayla tells Theo that his dad made it through surgery, but that there’s a very real chance that he could still die, if any part of the bullet embedded into the heart.  Marlena recalls the confrontation with Orphius before he grabbed Claire; she tells Kayla, she keeps seeing Claire’s face… she was so frightened.  They agree they cannot give up. 

Orphius steps out and Claire (who has worked her ropes off rubbing them on the back of the chair) and Joey (who apparently wasn’t really tied to his chair) jump up and tackle Xander; Joey shoves Claire out the door and Xander grabs him, knocking him over the head with the butt of a gun.  Theo now sits by his father’s bedside and recalls a conversation they had about Ciara, his father’s dislike of her and how he stood up for her – he told him she wasn’t a bad influence on him, he was a good influence on her.  His father looked at him and told him he just realized that he was actually now a young man, not so much in need of his protection anymore.  He reaches out and takes his father’s hand; Ciara watches through the window.  Aiden tries to confront Hope again, but is interrupted by Claire running in and hugging her grandmother.

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