Thursday 05-26-2016

Sitting at lunch with her parents, Claire can tell that they spent the night together… she is happy for them, but they caution her not to read too much in to it.  After she leaves them, they talk – Philip listens – Shaun tells Belle he felt a real connection again; Belle insists she just had too much to drink.  The kids had their court hearing and they were given community service for vandalizing the judge’s car.  Theo is worried about Ciara; she told him she just wants to be alone today.  Hope talks her into meeting with Marelena this afternoon; she calls Claire to babysit for her.  Claire asks why she’s avoiding Theo; she says she just doesn’t want to hurt him.  Belle asks Shaun what he is going to do about Lani; she is getting ready for a date with Shaun tonight.  Rafe and Hope talk about Aiden; Rafe isn’t happy Hope was even talking to him… he believes he is weak, corrupt and amoral, still.

Aiden is on the phone, asking if “it” is ready… not sure what that's about.  Belle finds Philip in the square; they talk.  He tells her he’s glad that she and Shaun are moving in the right direction (she pretends not to know what he’s talking about at first); he tells her that he hopes she knows he really just wants her to be happy.  She says she knows that.  Ciara admits to Marlene that she used to like Chase – she knew he had a dark side, and she liked it – which makes her think maybe she has a dark side too, which is why she has decided that she can’t be with anyone like Theo.  She is afraid she will hurt him.  She also realizes that she may be afraid of finding someone she really loves, and then losing them.  Marlena tells her she thinks she made a lot of progress today and ends the session.  

Belle comes home and talks to her mother about Claire; Marlena mentions that her life was torn apart (Belle reacts, “you mean because I had an affair, moved her here and divorced her father?”); Marlena responds, that’s exactly what she means.  Hope and Rafe have lunch; Aiden walks in.  Aiden tells Hope he had hoped to finish their conversation; Rafe tells him they just ate.  He leaves and Rafe tells Hope that Aiden was letting her know he is not giving up on her.  Theo and Claire talk about Ciara… he tells her he doesn’t know what’s going on – one day she wants to hang out with him and the next she won’t even talk, he mentions having spent the night with her (Claire looks shocked); he explains that they just cuddled and slept in her bed.  She tells him he shouldn’t be disappointed if all Ciara wants to be is friends for now.  He looks slightly confused.  

Philip sits at the bar; he makes a pass at the female bartender.  Belle calls Shaun and asks him out to dinner… he accepts and turns around to see Lani standing there.  He lets her know that he is hoping to work things out with Belle and apologizes to her – she wishes him the best.  Ciara comes back to find Theo talking with Claire; she tells him that she just isn’t ready for a relationship yet (and that she doesn’t think he is what she’s looking for); Claire tells her she is breaking his heart.

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