Monday 05-09-2016

Two hours after Rafe takes Hope home, she sees Aiden in the living room; she recalls the wedding night six months ago… how could he possibly be there now?  Ah – maybe he was never really killed!  As Aiden tries to leave Hopes house that night, there is a look-alike standing outside the front door (Andre sneaks up behind Aiden and injects him with something; he passes out and they carry him off).  The look-alike goes upstairs and attempts to kill Hope.  Andre puts the real Aiden in his trunk, gagged and tied.  K- it’s says six months ago now… Aiden (or so it appears) is in a cage-cell, screaming that he will bury Stefano.  Gas, of some type, begins pouring into the room and fills the cell; the man passes out.  He wakes up, the cell is clear and there is a dinner plate on the floor.  

He’s not sure he should eat it; tells Andre he’s on a hunger strike.  He searches the cell for any weak spots; sees a dead bird on the floor.  Gas pours in again.  He wakes up again (this is a weird episode).  He decides to eat the food to keep his strength up.  A video tape plays of Hope being strangled.  Now, it says two months ago; with a full beard, Aiden talks to the dead bird who he has laying in a make-shift nest.  He says he has written down every single thing he has eaten in the past 121 days since he’s been there.  He says he has a reason.  Now, it says three weeks ago… Aiden tells the little bird that he has a plan; he’s been practicing holing his breath and the next time the gas came on, he pretended to be passed out – a man brought in his dinner and Aiden jumped him and got away, grabbing his little dead bird before running out.  He washes his face and shaves in a public restroom, talking to himself in the mirror, he says he has to find out the truth, tells his little bird goodbye, laying it on a ‘perch’ and hitchhikes, catching a ride on Oklahoma Highway 69 North.
So Hope is back home from her evening with Rafe, and Aiden calls out to her, trying to explain.  Hope calls 911 for help and grabs her gun; she’s ready to kill him.  He begs her to believe him, when he says “they did this to us.”  She tells him to turn around and put his hands behind his back and cuffs him.  Assistance comes, she tells him he is under arrest and they take him away.  The second they walk out the door, she breaks down crying.

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