11-02-2017 (Thursday) Eve Moves Into the Mansion

Adrian goes to find Lucas at his hotel; he tells her to get lost – says he has lots of drinking to do.  Adrian refuses to leave; she stands outside of his door and threatens to start singing in the hallway.  He lets her in; she tells him it was not her that broke up with him, and does her best to explain.  Lucas can hardly believe it… he asks her if that means they are okay; she hesitates to answer.  He asks if she still loves him, and she assures him she does; he realizes he is not the only one though.  She tries to explain herself, saying, “Justin rescued me” and admits that she felt not only gratitude, but love for him.  She says she still wants to “be there” for him.  He gets angry and tells her he doesn’t need her pity, nor want her love anymore – he says they are over.  She says she still wants to help him, offering to take him to a rehab; he yells at her and says he doesn’t want anything from her.  He takes another drink; she cries and says she is sorry as she walks out the door.  He goes to a bar/pool hall to keep drinking.

Sammi sneaks back into the house she was ordered to stay away from; she is shocked to see large wooden letters on the wall (“E.J.”) above the bed.  She wonders what is going on; Marlena and John show up, trying to save her from herself.  They end up helping her search the house; John finds women’s clothing in the main closet – apparently this ‘Elvis’ is living there with a woman.  They deduce that woman would be “Susan Banks” and just as they do, the door pops open; an odd-looking woman says, “did someone say my name.”

Justin talks to Paul as they wait in the hospital for Sonny to be released; Paul asks Justin what he thinks Sonny would do, if Will were found to be alive.  Justin says he can’t say one way or the other; Justin tells Paul that he knows he loves his son and he appreciates that.  They hug and Paul leaves.  Adrian comes back and tells Justin about her meeting with Lucas; he assumes they are back together, but she tells him they are not, “because of you,” she says.Maggie and Victor talk about how glad they are that Bonnie was exposed as a fraud and that Adrian has been rescued from prison; Eve walks into Victor’s house and announces that she is Deimos’ widow, and says she is moving in to the mansion.

Eve has her ‘assistant’ Lars take her boxes up to her late husband’s room; Victor says she should tell him to take them somewhere else because she isn’t staying there.  Eve insists, they are family now and should stick together.  She suddenly thinks, if Will may be alive, maybe Page is alive too; Victor starts to call Henderson to throw her things out.  Maggie tells Victor he can’t do that; she says she is grieving and she needs some compassion.  He says, “fine” and tells Maggie she can have 24 hours of compassion and then he is throwing her out on her ass.  Eve goes to the Square and finds JJ, but when she isn’t happy with his answer, she heads to the police station.  JJ follows her and apologizes, and comforts her; Lani stands in the doorway watching him.  Eve tells JJ that she is staying in Salem “for good.”

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