Tuesday 04-19-2016

Brady and Justin talk about Victor giving everything he owns to Deimos; they know something doesn’t sound right about that.  Deimos calls Kate; she asks him to join her for coffee in the square.  Philip sits down with her.  Nicole comes to visit Maggie; Maggie tells her the surgery didn’t work – she is never going to walk again.  Teresa overhears.  Maggie is more concerned about how Victor is going to take the news.  Philip tells Kate she is stupid for flirting with Deimos… asks her if she knows how he managed to get his hands of Victor’s estate and wants her to help him get it back.

Chad gets home; Marlena tells him that she is afraid Abby might have a psychotic break – she suggests outpatient therapy first, but is afraid they may have to institutionalize her.  Abby overhears this; she sends Chad to get her prescription and makes a mysterious phone call.  Kate is Philip’s mother??  I didn’t know that.  After Teresa leaves, Maggie admits to Nicole that she is scared; she asks Nicole to check in on Victor for her.  Victor has a black-n-white flashback of the woman he accidentally killed (by pushing her and her head hitting a rock); Deimos finishes the flashback… showing how Victor framed him for the murder.  Abby meets with JJ; she tells him what really happened – he says he knew Chad wasn’t telling the whole story that night.  She admits that she barely knows what’s real and what’s not anymore.  Then she sends JJ to get her some water and sneaks away while he’s gone.  

Kate tells Philip to disown her if he wants to; all her children have – but they all come back, because they need her, and he will too.  Philip tells her that deep down she knows he is right about Deimos.  Justin comes to Victor’s door to tell Deimos he needs to return everything he took from Victor or he will be right back in jail where he belongs.  Deimos sends him away (he calls him “Uncle Deimos” when he says goodbye).  As Chad talks to Jennifer about possibly committing Abby, Abby leaves the mansion with the baby.  Philip tells Kate he doesn’t want her to get hurt; she says she thinks he just wants to get back at Deimos.  Then Deimos walks up to the table and says he has an announcement to make.  Brady and Justin talk again; Brady thinks Victor is hiding something (otherwise he would be screaming about Deimos taking everything).  They decide Deimos needs his ‘ass kicked’ and they shake hands on it.  

Nicole goes to see Victor for Maggie; Teresa lets it slip that she has a secret and now Maggie wants to know what it is she is not supposed to know.  Ciara get to the mansion to babysit; she calls Chad to tell him that Abby and Thomas are gone.  Deimos offers Kate a job.  Abby is now in a motel room, telling Thomas nobody is going to lock her up… nobody.

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