Friday 04-01-2016

Summer feels like she messed things up with Maggie; Brady is feeling some anxiety, but he doesn’t know why.  Deimos invites Kate over to Victor’s house, which he says is now his; Victor sits by Maggie’s side, as he remembers Deimos blackmailing him.  The doctor tells Victor that all traces of the poison and the antidote are gone; it’s time to prepare for surgery to try to repair Maggie’s back.  Kate tells Deimos she wants to know what he did to get Victor to sign everything over to him, or she’s walking out the door.  Steve and Kayla talk on what might be his last night as a free man; he’s making chili and cornbread, and drinking beer.  Deimos tells Kate that he poisoned Maggie; simply a means to an end.  Teresa brings Brady into the hospital; he is fine – but the doctor tells him that Maggie is there.  Brady tells Teresa to call Summer. 

Kate appears to be rather turned on by Deimos’ blackmailing scheme (she somehow sees it as vengeance for what Victor did to her all those years ago).  Summer arrives at the hospital – Victor is not happy to see her.  Steve and Kayla share a romantic dance; Kate and Deimos prepare to make love.  Victor walks in the door; he tells Deimos that Maggie may never walk again and he is going to make Deimos pay.  With Victor absent, Summer talks to Maggie; she begs her to be ok.  Maggie opens her eyes and asks what’s going on.  Kayla tells Steve she will always love him; he tells her that everything will be ok, regardless of what happens in court tomorrow.  Victor pulls out a knife, threatening to kill Deimos, then grabs his heart and stumbles to the couch.

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