08-31-2016 (Wednesday)

Belle takes Claire shopping, and they discuss her future career; they also talk about Chloe’s relationship with Shaun, and Belle and Phillip.  Then Claire mentions ‘this boy’ who she likes, but he’s not really over another girl; Theo runs into Ciara in the square and asks her about moving back home – she says her mom needed help after the surgery, so… they both shrug.  They meet Claire and her mom there and Claire asks if she can come with them to take flowers to Jennifer; Claire grabs Theo’s hand and walks off (Theo is smiling, but looks confused, and Ciara rolls her eyes).  

Chad and Jennifer are talking…being ‘civil’ to each other, considering all that’s gone on.  She tells him she is still concerned about his ability to take care of Thomas – and he throws out that there’s no way she is able to care for him, given the fact that she tried to overdose “last night.”  She agrees; after she leaves, Chad talks to Abigail, apologizing for never renovating the mansion like he promised they would.  He says, “let’s do it baby…let’s renovate” and he starts tearing the room apart (throwing furniture and décor around in anger).  Meanwhile, the kids show up at Jennifer’s house; Doug and Julie tell them Jen is not there.  They ask Claire about her music and she mentions Theo being her biggest fan; Ciara gets upset and leaves the room.  Julie follows and asks what’s wrong; she claims just to be worried about Chad.  Lucas and Adrian show up.  

When Jennifer gets home, they all reminisce about Abby as a baby and young girl; Jennifer says she takes solace in the fact that Abby is not hurting any more, and she is with Jack.  Theo asks Claire to sing a song for them; she sings Amazing Grace, as the scene flashes from there to Chad throwing things around, them hugging, and back again to Chad crying.  Jennifer tells her family that she is concerned that Chad isn’t in shape to take care of Thomas; Lucas defends him, but Jennifer doesn’t think he deserves a chance.  She acknowledges that she won’t ever get custody now, after falling off the wagon again, but says she just wants Thomas to be safe.  Lucas tells her to call him if she even thinks about using again; she promises she will.  Belle goes to see Chad and finds him on the floor; he tells her that he wants her to be a part of his future.  

Laughing about how cathartic his little tantrum was, he says he wants to change things; he wants to make Dimira Enterprises great again, for Thomas’ security – he asks her to come to work for him, doing legal paperwork and such.  He promises her competitive pay and reasonable hours, and says she can still take cases on the side; and says she could take pride in helping to legitimize the Dimira name.  She says she will think about it, then begins to clean up his mess.  Sonny and Gabi have lunch, then they go to visit Will’s grave; he tells her it was something he’s been wanting to do, but couldn’t do it alone.  They talk about what a wonderful person Will was, and Sonny says all this past year has taught him is that you have to protect those that you love and stay close to them because you never know when they will be gone.  

Julie reads her daughter a poem, saying when she is ready to have a memorial for Abby, she would like to read it; the poem is “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Cry” and it ends with the words, “I do not sleep; I did not die.”  The scene flashes to a dingy motel room?  A girl is sobbing under the covers; all that is visible is hand, with a familiar ring on her finger.

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