08-05-2016 (Friday)

Rafe shows up at Hopes and talks her into a night of watching movies … but just as they begin the first one, the power goes out.  It’s out all up and down the block.  Rafe suggests they dance by candlelight, and turns music on his phone.  Hope asks him to make love to her; a pretty sweet love scene, set to the music, ensues.  

Roman talks to Justin about an old case where evidence was stolen from the file; a man named Fred somebody-or-other (who used to be on the force) says he knows what happened, saw the whole thing and knows who did it.  They set up a meeting with him.   Andre sends Aiden out on a job; he meets with a guy in the park, telling him he is doing some private work for the police department and asks to go somewhere else to talk.  The man, Fred Dozer, tells Aiden that Justin Kiriakis walked out of the evidence room with a box in his hands on the day the evidence went missing (this man has a picture of it).  Justin goes to meet ‘Dozer’ who doesn’t show because he’s already met with Aiden; Aiden calls Gabe, who then takes Justin into the interrogation room to question him.  

Jennifer fears she may never hear from her daughter again; she tells Lucas and Sonny’s mom (I always forget her name) that she is suing for custody of Thomas.  Chad is selling off his holdings in Dimira Enterprises to continue the search for Abby; he receives an envelop – it is information on a woman going by the name of ‘Jen Thomas’ who got on that downed flight to Miami.  He calls someone to discuss it with them (an investigator I guess) and begins crying; he is being told that his wife is dead.  Jennifer comes over and he tells her; she cries, he consoles her.  JJ makes some calls and verifies that the woman who got on the plane was the same woman on the fake ID; he becomes angry and starts screaming at Chad, saying he ruined his sister’s life.  Aiden confirms that the letter was delivered to Chad – and that it said exactly what he wanted it to say; he says, good.  He needs everyone to believe that Abigail Dimira died in that plane crash.  Belle comes to see Chad.  He tells her that it was confirmed that Abby was on that flight; he sobs, as he holds Thomas.  

Jennifer ‘sees’ Jack; he tells her no one deserves to lose a child, but she is tough and she will get through this.  She tells him she needs something to make her feel numb; he tells her pain pills are not the answer, but she argues that she is IN PAIN.  He leaves.  Sonny’s mom and Lucas run into Justin in the park; they ask him what’s wrong.  Aiden shows up at Andre’s door, smiling.  Roman comes to tell Hope and Rafe that as of tonight, Justin is no longer the D.A.; he's been replaced by Aiden Jennings.


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