Tuesday 03-08-2016

Abby, stressed now about Ben’s escape, says they need to forget about the wedding and take Thomas and leave.  She is sure Ben is on his way there.  Eduardo gets a text, with a picture of Marlena and their granddaughter… it says, “we will trade them for you and John Black” – John comes in the door.  Eduardo is sure it’s the agency (?) trying to pull them back in.  Kayla and Steve talk, trying to come up with evidence that Ava was torturing them; Kayla questions whether he encouraged her.  Chad tells Abby they are not going anywhere… he will see to it that she and Thomas are safe.  Gabby comes into the police station; tells Rafe and JJ that she knows something bad has happened.  Abby admires her baby boy, still uneasy.  ‘Petrov’ shows up at Deimos’ door; Deimos gives him the formula and he hands Deimos a briefcase full of money and leaves. 

Steve assures Kayla that she is still the biggest thrill of his life and nothing will ever come close to what they have.  She cries, but says they need to stay focused; she asks if he figured out what the key was for.  Steve goes to check out the room where Kayla was held prisoner.  Abby has a talk with her mother.  Eduardo comes to talk to Rafe; shows him the text… he explains to Rafe that he was trained as a teenager – “brainwashed” into a life he did not choose.  When the agency called, you came, he said; that is why he left Rafe’s mom.  Rafe is angry that he came back to town, dragging this danger with him.  Deimos has a knock at his door; it’s John, demanding to know everything about Elliam Petrov (Petroff?).  Steven is now in the ‘the room’; he finds a hidden door, marked by a snake, which matches the key he has.  When he opens the door, he is petrified.  It’s a secret shrine, to him.  That should prove she was crazy.  Kayla shows up.  Deimos refuses to give John any information.  Abby is nervous; keeps hearing noises.  Gabby and JJ find Arianna’s toy in the park; proof they were there. 

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