So, after the 'holiday' and having no show on Monday, they crammed a whole lot into today's show... get ready!
Victor thanks John for his
help, investigating that drug dealer, Titus Drew; John tells him
he needs to
fix things with Brady before his and Teresa’s wedding tomorrow. He tries, but Brady just can't bring himself to believe that he had nothing to do with taking Tate. Apparently, they are just getting married at
City Hall, rather than having a big wedding… Nicole walks in to see them kissing, and teases them about that kind
of stuff being for the wedding night.
Teresa and Nicole laugh about how far they’ve come and hug each other.
Adrian sees Steve and says he looks
surprisingly like her brother; she chews him out for blowing her off three
times now, and asks what’s going on. He
tells her he’s freaking out – he tells her he skipped out on the session with
Marlena. Adian calls him a big dummy;
she says this may be his last chance, and he better not blow it. Kayla talks to Marlena; she says loving Steve Johnson is a full-time job… Marlena says it might be worth it. Later, Steve talks to Kayla in the park. He tells her that he knows the problem is with him, and he will get help – he just wants it to be with someone he doesn’t know. He tells her he will make an appointment; she will believe it when she sees it.
Chad talks to Thomas about going to stay
with Adrian and Lucas, and promises that he will come visit him all the
time, then realizes he can't do it. He walks into another room to find
Andre there; Andre says he needs his family... Chad just shakes his head.
Jennifer opens her door to see her mother; Jen confesses, she has been addicted to
pain medication and believes it is her fault that Abby is gone. Jennifer’s mom reassures her that it’s not,
and tells her she is sure Abby did not have the same condition she once
had. She says that Abby was misdiagnosed
at the clinic. All her problems were
just side effects of PTSD and the medication they were giving her, because it was wrong; she
promises Jen, Abby was trying to find her way back to her. They go to visit Chad; he
tells Jennifer that he has changed his mind about giving up Thomas. She gets mad and tries to convince him he
really should; Lucas and Adrian walk in.
Jennifer had called them to come pick Thomas up. Chad gets a little angry (though I’ve never
seen him get very angry – I really like this character's demeanor)… Adrian suggests that she
and Lucas move in there to help him, instead.
Lucas thinks she’s out of line, and doesn’t want to be that close to the
Dimira’s. She says they are family, and
begins to cry. He says okay. Chad says, that, he’s okay with. They ask to take him for now and say they
will bring him back later… Chad agrees.
He asks Jen if she thinks maybe her mom will like him more now – she
wouldn’t even talk to him earlier.
Jennifer says it doesn’t even matter. (Whew.)
Deimos tells Victor he has a proposal for him; he would like he and
Maggie to move back into the house, so she can recuperate. He offers Nicole to move in as well, and tells her about Titus Drew; she
recognizes the name from her days as a journalist and offers to use her
investigative skills to help as well. Marlena
goes to see a prisoner – (Clyde Weston); he tells her he needs a favor. After listening to him, she tells him she
wouldn’t help him even if she could and she leaves. A man named Milo Harp…says he used to be known as Orphius, comes
in and introduces himself to Clyde. Clyde
is surprised he knows “Dr. Evans” and even more surprised that the man says he
used to know her “intimately” – Milo recently transferred there, and may be
moved soon, but says it’s torture to be that close to Salem because he wants to
kill everyone there. Clyde tells
him it’s a “pipe dream” – scene flashes to an old black and white clip of a
very young Marlena asking a young gentleman to please let her go – he tells
Clyde they should think about ways to make that pipe dream a reality.
Aiden makes a call to an unrevealed
individual; he tells them he was in the right place at the right time today and
may have found an ali (was he at the jail?).
Steve tells Kayla that he filled out a form with a lot of personal
questions, and he saw a pattern about his childhood and the things his brother
Duke used to do to him and Adrian (which I’m not familiar with); he realizes
his behavior is due to lousy self-esteem.
Deimos reminds Nicole that he made the offer for her to move in, as
well; she tells him no thank you… then whispers in his ear, something she heard
from one of her sources about Titus Drew.
He says that could “blow this whole thing wide open.” Hmmm.
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