People gather at the
church to pray and thank God for the salvation of Salem; Paul and Sonny exchange
glances from across the room. Brady
talks to Nicole; he tells her that she and Deimos being done is probably a
blessing in disguise. She tells Brady
how much she really grew to love Deimos; he apologizes, offering her a
comforting touch on the face.
decides to go to the confession boothe.
Her father (a spy) is in there, pretending to be a priest; he says he
has to talk to her and tells her she is in danger. She asks him to explain (he calls her Jeanie); he says it is
about Mateo – he knows she is living in Salem, he says, and wants her
back. She is upset, saying she was a
different person then; she says she has such a happy life now. She wonders if Mateo timed it this way deliberately
to make her suffer more now that she has loved ones and so much to lose; she
recalls how she used to party and drink herself into oblivion, not caring about
anyone or anything.
Her dad tells her
this is serious and there is nothing he can do; they haven’t been able to get
anything solid on him. Apparently, this
man is in charge of hundreds of drug cartels and they can’t get close enough to
take him down. He tells her they have a
safe-house where she and her family can go to live in hiding; she says no, she
can’t force them to leave Salem. He
says maybe she should go on her own; she gets angry at the thought of leaving
her family (like he left her). She runs
to Brady and asks if they can leave, saying she just needs to get out of there;
she is obviously shaken; Brady asks her what is going on. She asks him just to hold her.
They go have breakfast, and she suddenly
seems to be feeling much better; she tells him it was just that stuffy old
church upsetting her. She says she just
wants to sit there and spend time with the man she loves; she still looks as if
she is going to cry. He tells her that
he has been thinking it’s time they moved out of the mansion and found a home
to call their own; she gets nervous and tells him that sounds wonderful, but
she is really comfortable at the mansion and isn’t in a hurry to move. She says Tate will be waking up from his nap
soon and they should get back; as they leave, it is apparent that somebody is
watching them from across the square.
For some reason, on the way home, she decides to tell Brady that she got
bit by the shopping bug and wants to stay behind; he leaves and she sits down
on the bench. A man, speaking Spanish,
approaches her and puts his hand on her shoulder; she doesn’t move. He walks around and sits down on the bench;
he tells her he was upset when she ran away from him – and since that time, he
has become more powerful, and he wants her to leave with him and move to
At home, Brady asks Sonny how
things are going with Paul; he says they found a way to be friends, but that’s
all. Marlena wakes up in the hospital
bed, startled, having been dreaming of being in the wooden coffin on fire;
Roman reassures her she is fine. He
tells her Orpheus is dead. She asks
where John is; Roman says he got delayed at the pier answering questions for
the police. He sent Roman so she wouldn’t
be alone when she woke up.
Philip talks
to a woman, who is apparently Chloe’s mother; he asks if she knows where Chloe
is. She doesn’t. She says if she hears from her, she will
tell her Philip is looking for her; she asks if he hears from her, that he do
the same for her. He agrees. Not long after Philip leaves, Diemos sits
down at the same table and introduces himself to the woman; she doesn’t look
happy to meet him. He says she needs to
tell him where her daughter is; she tells him to get the hell away from her and
leave her daughter alone. Nicole runs
into Philip in the square; he tells her that even her own mother doesn’t know
where she is. When Nicole mentions that
she has told Deimos he is the father, Philip corrects her, telling her that the
test actually was not doctored; Deimos is not the father of Chloe’s baby. Nicole asks who is then; Philip says he has
no clue.
Lucas and Adrian come home to
find Jennifer enthralled by a story on her tablet; she says she is reading
about Hope, and it’s not good. She is
angry about how the newspaper is representing Hope; they don’t even have the
facts correct. This paper, the
Spectator, used to be a project of Jack’s… Jennifer wishes she had the money to
buy it back and make it something to be proud of again. Lucas and Adrian decide to make Jennifer an
offer; her alimony from Justin just got deposited into the bank and she wants
to invest it to buy the Spectator – out from under the Kariakis family. Jennifer is thrilled and can’t say no when
Adrian offers her the position as Editor in Chief; they spit on their hands and
shake on it.
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