February 9, 2018 (Friday; S53E97): Why Suspect Gabi?

Ariana gets out of bed and asks Sonny where her mommy is; Sonny puts her back to bed.  He tells his dad he doesn’t know how he’ll handle it if Gabi is take away from Ari again.  Paul tells the man he was just cutting through to meet someone; the man tells him he can’t let him pass.  Paul wrestles with the guy and gets his gun away from him; the man says he knows Paul won’t shot him and walks away.  Will confronts John and says he isn’t going to let him poison Steve Johnson; he tells him he saw him poison the coffee.  He says he is going to tell Paul; Johns says he can’t let him do that and he pulls out a gun.  Will tells him there is no need for that; Marlena calls John.   He ignores the call and takes Will, gun to his head; Marlena leaves a message about Steve passing out.

Kayla calls for help and starts assessing Steve; as she sits with Marlena, she says two other doctors are in there with him, and it was hard when they asked her to leave.  She says he didn’t just pass out; he stopped breathing.  She says his blood work is all normal and there are no masses on any of the scans; they tell her she can go in to see Steve.  He tells her they are going to get through this, whatever it is.

Chad tells Abigail about the surveillance footage of what looks like Gabi; he also tells her Gabi says it isn’t her.  He mentions the urn being left by Anna, and the part of it in the woman’s hands on the tape.  She says none of it makes any sense; he reminds here about the trouble with Ben and how everyone but her thought he was guilty.  They agree they should fight for Gabi.  Paul tries to call Will and is worried when he gets to answer; John takes Will to the family crypt.  He says, “this is where the dead are put to rest,” and raises the gun.  Will reminds John that he is Marlena’s grandson, but that doesn’t seem to dissuade him.  Paul knocks on the door of the crypt to find Will lying on the ground; John clicks the safety on the gun and from outside the crypt, we hear a shot fire.

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