Nicole and Eric walk into a motel room; she tells him she is scared but
she knows this is the right thing to do… she has to see Brady, even if it’s
only to say goodbye. Jen shows up;
Nicole asks what she is doing there.
Nicole explains that she is there to see Brady. Jen tells her he won’t know she’s there;
he’s not conscious. Eric tells Jen
Nicole just needs to see Brady and asks if she can help her; Jen says she would
have to go with her, so she could watch and tell Nicole when the coast is
clear. She says she’s a mom and has two
kids she would die for; she understands the risk she is taking to see
Brady. She reminds Eric that her grandma
broke his father out of jail and “skated on it” as she says, “let’s get going.”
The doctor reviews Brady’s records; John is
shaken when he sees a Do Not Resuscitate order hanging on the door. Valerie tries to explain that Brady didn’t
want to put him the position of having to turn off the life support. John calls Justin; he asks him to get to the
hospital right now. He tells Marlena
that this is giving up and Brady doesn’t give up. Valerie tells John she is still checking sources for another heart,
but she says the likelihood is very low.
She says what they need now is a miracle. Justin assures John that signing that paper was an act of love;
he didn’t want to burden him, he says.
John says he is ready to go see him; Chloe steps into Brady’s room. She tells Brady he needs to wake up to take
care of his son; John tells her to get lost when he sees her in there. She leaves.
Jen sneaks Eric and Nicole in through an employee entrance and walks the
nurse the other way, but just as they are about to go up the elevator, Holly
starts crying; Nicole takes her to the restroom to change and feed her. Eric goes in to see Brady (now John is
gone); he tells Brady to try to hang on.
Nicole comes back with Holly; Jen tells her to hurry and says she’ll
keep watch. She gasps when she sees
Brady laying in the bed, looking so weak.
John tells Marlena that he is sorry for getting angry with her earlier;
she tells him she understands and reminds him that she loves him. He tells her, “I love you too Doc.” Tears are streaming down his face; they
discuss their prayers for just a little miracle. Eric tells Nicole he will leave her alone with Brady; she begs
Brady not to leave her. She says she
and Holly can’t live without him.
Valerie comes by to see her patient; Jen tells her she needs to talk to
her, urgently.
Deimos tells Abe he should adhere to the letter of the law; he
says he needs to let him go. Abe tells
Deimos he wishes he were dead; Deimos says that’s not going to happen. Chloe is shocked when she sees Deimos round
the corner in the square; she tells him prison would be too good for him,
adding, he should go to Hell. Deimos
reminds her that she asked for his help; he says they are a team. She says they are not a team; he doesn’t
care about any one or anything except himself, she adds. Maggie is upset when she sees Deimos in the
house; she tells him he isn’t welcome there… she says this is all because of
him; he says that simply isn’t true. He
tells her the second he found out where Nicole was he went to save her. She doesn’t believe him. She says Brady is dying because of him and
mocks him saying he ‘forgave’ Victor, saying it was only so he would give him
what he wanted. She says she is going
to tell Victor that he needs to be removed from Titan, and from the family,
adding that Deimos knows he can do it.
Justin gloats when he sees Deimos that Victor held a meeting this
morning; he tells Deimos he is out on his ass.
He announces that Sonny Kariakis is now the new head of Titan Industries
and tells Deimos to pack his bags and get out.
Deimos laughs, saying this is his house; Justin says not anymore. He reminds Deimos that he put the house in
the name of the company; Deimos agrees to leave, but says this is not over.
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