Kate tells Chad that she’s changed her
mind; she doesn’t think it’s a good idea to grab the amulet before Deimos does
after all. He teases her about being
afraid of the curse; she tells him she just thinks they should at least send
someone else to pick it up. He says the
guy will only meet with him; besides, he tells her, he wants to get out of town
and get his mind off of things. He
tells her he hates the fact that Abigail has left him again; she tells him it’s
all for the best.Dario shows up at the police station; he asks Abby out to
dinner, as friends. Nothing more,
nothing less, he says; she asks if they can just meet… he suggests the cafĂ© in
the square. The phone rings; it’s
Chad. He tells her that he needs to
talk to her and asks if he can come down to the station; she is surprised when
he brings Thomas in.
Chad tells Abby that he has to head out of town for business and asks if she wants to keep him while
he’s gone; she says yeah, of course.
She is disappointed when he says he can’t tell her where he is going;
she figures it has to do with something illegal. He doesn’t admit or deny it; she tells him to please be careful
and takes Thomas to daycare. After
work, she meets with Dario (Thomas in tow) and they discuss how they are each
trying to rewrite their lives; she congratulates him on running the business
for his father and he encourages her to keep moving forward with her
Maggie confronts Deimos about Nicole…she asks if he has any idea
where Xander took Nicole and the baby.
He denies any knowledge, but swears he will never give up looking. He says he will do everything in his power
to make sure Nicole gets the happy ending she desires; Maggie questions what
happens if Nicole wants nothing to do with him. He says his eyes are wide open; she asks what about his
Jennifer tells Eric she is worried about him going to Athens and insists
on going with him; he doesn’t want her to.
He tells her he is expendable; she is not. He tells her she can call for backup, but she has to give him a
head start; she agrees. He takes her
hand and says she doesn’t have to worry about him; she asks him to be careful. He says he will and makes her promise not to
tell anyone what he is doing; he tells her they’ll have that “non-working
dinner” when he gets back. She smiles;
he kisses her goodbye. Eric goes to say
goodbye to Brady; he is concerned about how Brady looks. Brady tells him the “fallout from the
gunshot is causing trauma” and his body is rejecting Daniel’s heart. He tells Eric to use all of his money, if he
needs to, to make sure Nicole and Holly never have to come back to Salem; he
says he will, but adds that he is trying to get Chloe to drop the charges. He says if she looses Holly again, it will
kill Nicole; he tells Eric, “don’t kill her.”
Xander taunts Nicole, who is still
in a cage; he laughs about having “another shot” at her. She throws her cup of water on him and tells
him to let her out; surprisingly he agrees to let her out for a while to hold
the baby. She asks him if he has heard
anything more about Brady; he says no, and tells her that their bliss made him
sick, as he listened outside of their cottage in Canada. He then brings up Eric and Nicole gets
uncomfortable; he wonders what was bothering him at that time, and brings up
the night they were trapped in the vents at the television station. She asks him to change the subject and
starts asking questions about how long he plans on keeping them and what he
wants with her; he claims its all about revenge (for turning his family against
him, which Nicole denies). He tells her
it was his pleasure to destroy her and Brady’s domestic bliss. She begins to get suspicious when he says
his family should be proud of what he’s done; she says Deimos is the only one
that would be happy he shot Brady. She
questions how he can afford the villa they are in; Xander claims it’s from
off-shore accounts and some wheeling and dealing he has done under
aliases. She asks him what his “end-game”
is. He tells her he has one, but he
isn’t going to tell her about it right now.
Chad gets upset when he seems Abigail at a
table in the square with Dario; Kate has to pull him back from going over there
and encourages him to keep on their way.
As they sit at home, he stews over the fact that Dario was in his son’s
presence. She tells him he has to
accept that Abigail can see whomever she wants; he asks her if it’s really
over. Deimos tells Brady (as he sleeps) that he has
put the perfect plan together, that not even he can stop; Eric is on a plane to
Deimos’ private island. Nicole is back
in the cage; Xander tells her to tell Holly goodnight, as he takes her away
again. Nicole vows to get back to
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