Rafe comes home, makes a
sandwich and his mom tells him Kayla has offered her a job ass a nurse. Nicole sees Deimos’ scar and asks how he got
it; he tells her his brother feels the need to brand things. Hope wanders her house in the storm, and his
flashbacks of the night ‘Aiden’ tried to kill her – then of talking to him
yesterday – she puts on her coat and goes out.
Aiden wakes up, on a couch (wherever he is sleeping); he’s having
flashbacks about being locked up and tortured… he gets up and decides to go out. He finds Hope sitting on the bench in the
park. Belle tells Claire that there
will be consequences for her actions regardless of what happens in court
tomorrow. She tells her she’s not
getting the car she was going to get; Claire gets mad and tells her that’s
fine, she will just move out and move in with Ciara.
Chad pours himself a drink (he obviously misses Abby); he looks
over and sees Stefano. Philip comes to
see Belle – he’s bringing her legal papers to review. She questions his motives and he questions whether she wants to
have anything more to do with the business.
Rafe finds the black roses and asks his mom if there is something she
needs to tell him about. He gets angry
and says maybe it was a mistake letting Eduardo back into their lives; Adriana
says they are not going to abandon him (because that’s not what you do with
Nicole pretends to be
compassionate toward Deimos and they kiss passionately. Deimos asks her to come upstairs with him;
she tells him she doesn’t want to be a mistress… she also warns him against Kate
– she poisoned two of her husbands so far, she suggests he gets a food taster
and hides pointed objects. He asks
Nicole what if he asked her to marry him? She says she would see through it – it would be a test, whatever
answer she gives would be wrong. He
says, “ah”… admits he is looking for a woman with brains. She claims to still not know what he’s
thinking. Better to be unknowable he
says, though its tiring. She tells him
to stop, acting so concerned and enfactuated, touching his chest, and face, she
tells him he needs a woman who can heal him, not push him over the edge…
warning him again, to be wary of Kate.
Stefano questions where Chad’s wife is, then questions what is good for
Chad's son, telling him sometimes you need to make a sacrifice (I suppose that is
supposed to be significant). Ciara gets
up and finds Chad standing there, asks what he sees – he says nothing, he’s
just lost. She takes his hand and then
he turns and kisses her. She then wakes
Hope asks Aiden why he’s out
walking in the rain… he tells her it felt like the walls were closing in; it
happens now, he says, a lot, because of the confinement. He tells her what kept him going was knowing
as long as he was alive there was a chance he would see her again. She allows him to sit on the bench next to
her, but when he tells her for him, some things are still the same, she yells
at him that nothing is the same. Claire
calls her dad to tell him that she’s moving out. Chad screams at Stefano, he will not sacrifice his wife; Stefano
says he may not have a choice – he screams no, and wakes up. So now Ciara and Chard are really standing
there, I believe; she says she checked on Thomas and he’s still asleep. Chad asks Ciara if she would like to learn
how to play chess, on a real board, not an ‘app’; she says sure.
Bells shows up at Shaun’s request to talk
about Claire moving out, bla bla bla.
They just cannot get along for anything. Eduardo is playing some texting game with this unknown person who
is stalking him; there’s a knock at his door – he’s prepared for anything (with
a bat) but, thankfully, it’s Rafe. He
asks who Patrick Johansen is. Eduardo
says, “an old sin, one [he] will never stop paying for.” As Chad teaches Ciara the strategy behind
the game of chess, he tells her you just have to think carefully – there’s
always another move – that’s the way life works… you just have to believe
it. Wise words. Good job writers! Hope and Aiden have a decent conversation, then say goodbye; he
offers her his umbrella and catches her offguard with a kiss, just as Rafe
rounds the corner to see them.
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