Week ending 12-11-2015

(Prepared, 01-08-16)

Ok, so it’s been a few weeks – I’ve just been at a loss for words as of late – and busy with school… so, instead of a cavalry waiting outside the door of the cabin to rescue Abby and Chad from the fire, Chad somehow (magically) slipped his hand out of his cuff AND got Abby out of hers (not sure how); and what about the ones that were one their ankles??  There was a cuff on each of their ankles, too, wasn’t there?  I don’t know.  Maybe I’m confused.  I could swear Ben had cuffed each of them, wrist and ankle.

So Chad and Abby get off the bed and out of the cabin without so much as a mild burn, and the cabin goes up in flames behind them; then they simply go back to town and tell everyone about it, as if it’s not that a big a deal.  I can't believe that Rafe didn't have a whole team on the way to get them... Abby's mom told him how worried she was - he already knew Chad was on his way - why did he do nothing???  Abby is frantic wanting to know where Ben left the baby, while Ben is in custody now and totally incoherent.

Meanwhile, Hope goes on a mission to find out who had been holding Bo captive, takes, ties up and threatens to torture one of the guys she knows is involved (but he overpowers her), and then Ciara gets kidnapped and threatened.
And… I’m sorry, but I just don’t buy this kissy, wissy, lovey, dovey relationship that Brady and Theresa supposedly have now.  He’s acting like he’s head over heels for her.  It just doesn’t fly with me; and I’m sure I’m not the only one that feels this way.  Totally bored with that storyline. Yawn.

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